Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


By starship[]

USS Enterprise-C

It is probable that Riva of Ramatis III attended this peace conference.

  • In what becomes known as the Battle of Narendra III, the USS Enterprise-C is destroyed while defending the Klingon outpost on Narendra III from Romulan attack. This event reemphasizes the Khitomer Accords and ensures a lasting peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise", "Redemption")
  • In an alternate timeline created by a temporal rift, the Enterprise-C disappears while engaged with the Romulan attackers. It crosses into the year 2366 (prime timeline), which is then altered through unknown means. The ship returns through the rift with Natasha Yar. In the Battle of Narendra III, the USS Enterprise-C is destroyed while defending the Klingon outpost on Narendra III from Romulan attack. However, some of the Enterprise crew survives and are captured, among them Natasha Yar, who had been sent there by Jean-Luc Picard from 2366, in an attempt to fix the unexplained alteration of memories and the appearance of the Enterprise. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise", "Redemption")

Other events[]


This information was visible on a Bajoran springball scorecard up for auction in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction, which had the copyright '2344 Bajoran Springball Association'. [1](X)



Background information[]


External link[]

2343 24th century