Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

When the plan goes awry, the crew must improvise. Meanwhile, Gwyn discovers a dark truth that will forever jeopardize their quest toward salvation.


Act One[]

On Tars Lamora, Dal and Zero attempt to gather all the miners so they can all escape on the Rev-12. Jankom Pog and Rok-Tahk go to the engine room to repair the damage to the vessel. While Jankom is at a loss on how to fix the engine, Rok comes up with a solution – use the proto-core to jump-start the engines. Meanwhile, Dal realizes that they can get the word out to the miners by linking the miners’ ankle manacles up to his combadge – thus turning them into universal translators.

By this point, the USS Protostar has returned and Drednok beams down to take back the proto-core. Suddenly, the prisoners burst into engineering and overtake Drednok, with the Caitian child decapitating him. Unfortunately, Drednok manages to send the Diviner the coordinates to the proto-core, which he beams back to the Protostar.

Back on the Protostar, the Diviner discovers Gwyn trying to disable the shields. When he tries to intervene, he’s stopped by Holo Janeway, who, thanks to Gwyn, had safeguards installed to ensure the Diviner couldn’t override her again. Now able to interact with physical matter, Hologram Janeway takes the Diviner out of commission. Gwyn demands to know the truth about her father’s motivation. Hoping to sway her to his cause, the Diviner tells her the story of his homeworld, Solum At this moment in time, their people are a technologically advanced society confident that they were the only life in the universe. Tragically, years from now, first contact with the Federation will lead to a devastating civil war between those who want relations with the Federation and those who want to be left alone. Within fifty hears, their civilization will be all but gone. He concludes that he was sent from the future to locate the Protostar and stop Starfleet from ever making first contact. He then reveals that the Protostar carries a weapon that will destroy Starfleet as soon as it comes in contact with them. Though sympathetic, Gwyn states that she will not trade one tragedy for another.

At this point, Dal is able to beam aboard the Protostar after Zero manages to get through the ship’s shields by targeting their shield emitter. Dal tells Gwyn to look only at him while Zero reveals their true form to the Diviner in an effort to stop him once and for all. Unfortunately, Gwyn catches a reflection of Zero’s true form in Dal's combadge and is incapacitated, as well.


Hologram Janeway recounted what had happened after the defeat of the the Diviner: Zero stayed by Gwyn's bedside in sickbay until she regained consciousness, but she had lost her memory of the event; the previously Unwanted were given a Starfleet combadge and the REV-12 allowing them to chart their own future; the Diviner, suffering from mental breakdown, became the only Unwanted and left on Tars Lamora. With Dal's help, Gwyn slowly walked into the bridge of the Protostar as Murf, Rok, Jankom and Zero warmly greeted her. Taking the captain's chair, Dal orders a course set for Starfleet to return the ship. Gwyn showed momentary hesitation, but soon reassured Dal that nothing was wrong and concurred to his command. With everyone in agreement, the Protostar went into warp heading for Federation space.

Aboard the USS Dauntless, Ensign Asencia, manning the navigation console, reported to the ship's CO, Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway, that a proto-warp signature from the Protostar had been detected, noting this was the third such detection recently. Admiral Janeway responded that this would be a pattern which indicated the reappearance of the Protostar. She ordered the Dauntless to the last detected position of the Protostar and vowed to find out what happened, and to rescue Captain Chakotay and his crew.

Log entries[]

Memorable quotes[]

"You can all breathe easy now. Except for me, of course. A benefit of being non-corporeal."

- Zero

"Keep that hatch shut while Jankom works his magic."
"You know, I can do more stuff than just hold the door... I didn't know you could fix an engine by just staring at it."
"The blast emptied out the entire energy core. So, let Jankom figure it out. Unless you've got a better idea?"
"What if you interplex the plasma conduit, adjust for input variances in the dilithium matrix, and siphon off the energy of the proto-core to jump start it?"
"Uh, new plan--Jankom holds the door, and you do all of that."

- Jankom and Rok-Tahk

"You used me to hurt others! It's time I showed you who I truly am, so you cannot hurt anyone else!"

- Zero, before exposing their true form to The Diviner

"Look at Me! Don't look or you'll go mad!"

- Dal, warning Gwyn not to look at Zero

"Where to, Captain?"
"It's time we return their ship. Set a course for Starfleet."

- Zero and Dal, before getting underway

"It's we rescue our missing ship and gets some answers. Take us to the last Protostar signature, maximum warp. I'm coming, Chakotay."

- Admiral Janeway

Background information[]


Cast and characters[]


Production history[]

Links and references[]



Background characters[]


alliance; Andorian; ankle monitor; archway; atmospheric shields; brig; Brikar; Caitian; captain; Chakotay; civil war; civilization; computer; coordinates; course; Dal R'El's species; Dauntless, USS; Dauntless-class; dilithium matrix; door; energy; energy core; engine; engine room; ensign; Federation; feeling; first contact; freedom; friend; gift; hand; hatch; head; heirloom; history; holodeck; idea; input variance; insanity; interplex; jump start; jury rig; life; Lurian; magic; manacle (aka ankle restraint); maximum warp; Medusan; Mellanoid slime worm; memory; meow; Milky Way Galaxy; miner; minute; mission; name; non-corporeal; offspring (aka progeny); percussive maintenance; plasma conduit; power; prodigy; proto-core; proto-warp; proto-warp signature; Protostar, USS; Protostar-class; protostar drive (aka proto-drive); reflection; Rev-12; Rhino; security protocol (security protocol s-29); shield emitters; shields; short wave communicator; short wave translator; siphon; Solum; Solum-1; star; Starfleet; Starfleet uniform; Tars Lamora; Tellarite; thought; time travel; tragedy; training log; transporter; Trill; truth; universal translator; universe; Unwanted, The; upgrades; Vau N'Akat; Vau N'Akat Civil War; voice; voyages; Watcher; worlds; year

Console references[]

code keypad; communicator; diagnostic check; engineering; flight operator; Hibon; keypad; level; navigation; proto-engine; RADAR; short range sensor; short range sensor analysis; stat; synch; temperature; turbine; ventilation; warp; warp mode; wireframe mode

External link[]

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"A Moral Star, Part 1"
Star Trek: Prodigy
Season 1
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