Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Professor Albert Einstein was a famous Human physicist of 20th century Earth. He was born in Germany and was best known for his equation E = mc² and his works on the Theory of General Relativity. His influential work in what would become quantum theory laid the cornerstone for critical scientific breakthroughs in the centuries to come, including transporters and warp driven spaceflight.

In 2268, when discussing the genius of Richard Daystrom with Leonard McCoy, James T. Kirk said, "Genius doesn't work on an assembly line business. Did Einstein, Kazanga, or Sitar of Vulcan produce new and revolutionary theories on a regular schedule?" (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

In 2285, David Marcus believed that if Project Genesis had worked, his mother, Carol Marcus, would be remembered in the same breath as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Surak. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

In 2374, Captain Kathryn Janeway referred to Einstein in her Captain's log when she was in search of the omega molecule, and was forced to impose the Omega Directive. In her log, she noted that, despite her apprehensiveness, she now knew how Albert Einstein must have felt when he had developed the atom bomb, watching helplessly as science had taken a destructive course. Janeway, however, also noted that, unlike both Einstein and Carol Marcus, she had at least a chance to prevent science from becoming subverted. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")

The same year, Vic Fontaine claimed that it didn't take an Einstein to see that Miles O'Brien missed his wife or that Jadzia Dax and Worf were married. (DS9: "His Way")

In 2375, when a hologram of Crell Moset proposed a medical procedure endangering a cytoplasmic lifeform, which had attached itself to B'Elanna Torres, The Doctor protested as this lifeform could be its species' Einstein or Picasso. (VOY: "Nothing Human")

Holograms []

Reginald Barclay used a holographic Einstein in 2367 to discuss new ideas after an encounter with a Cytherian probe that dramatically raised his IQ. (TNG: "The Nth Degree")

In 2369, Lieutenant Commander Data also created a holodeck version of Albert Einstein, as well as Sir Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking, in order to watch how three of the greatest Human scientists would interact during a game of poker. Data's observations were "most illuminating." (TNG: "Descent")

In 2380, Sam Rutherford mentioned that he forgot that holodecks were used for more than "just for hanging with Sherlock Holmes, and Robin Hood, and Sigmund Freud, and Cyrano de Bergerac, and Einstein, and da Vinci, and Stephen Hawking, and Socrates…" (LD: "Terminal Provocations")



See also[]

Background information[]

Einstein was played by actor Jim Norton in the episodes "The Nth Degree" and "Descent".

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 231, the birth and death years of Albert Einstein were 1879 and 1955, respectively. In addition, the authors stated that Einstein won a Nobel Prize and attempted to unify relativity with quantum mechanics.

External links[]
