Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Amaros was a male Human and colonist on Volan III in the 24th century. He became a member of the Volan colonies' council. He was a citizen of the United Federation of Planets until the planet was ceded to the Cardassian Union, after which he became a member of the Maquis.

After William Samuels had been captured by the Cardassians, and committed suicide after confessing to being a Maquis, Gul Evek brought this as evidence to the council that there was a Federation plot against the Cardassians. Amaros believed Samuels was tortured to death and physically attacked Evek.

Amaros was part of the kidnapping party that kidnapped Gul Dukat from Deep Space 9 and among those who was interrogating him. After observing Sakonna's unsuccessful mind meld, he had an exchange with Dukat on their techniques and was goaded into attempting a forceful interrogation. However, it was interrupted by Commander Benjamin Sisko's rescue group, and Amaros was captured, only to be released so he could relay a message to Cal Hudson, letting him know that Starfleet knew nothing of his betrayal and could return to Starfleet.

He was later present in the council chamber hearing Kobb's report of a sabotage of public replicators. He ordered guards posted at all replicators. The meeting was interrupted when Sisko returned to Volan III to invite Hudson back.

Amaros later served as Hudson's co-pilot in a Federation attack fighter when Hudson attempted to destroy a Cardassian weapons depot. Deep Space 9 personnel however, engaged Hudson's ships, disabling their weapons, and forcing them to retreat. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I", "The Maquis, Part II")

Amaros was played by Tony Plana.

His name comes from the scripts of both episodes.
