Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

An aphorism was a type of saying described as a concise observation that expressed a general truth, piece of advice, or rule of conduct.



"A watched pot never boils"
  • In 2369, Data chose to test the aphorism, 'a watched pot never boils'. To do so, he "boiled the same amount of water in this kettle sixty two times. In some cases, I have ignored the kettle. In others, I have watched it intently. In every instance, the water reaches its boiling point in precisely 51.7 seconds. It would appear that I am not capable of perceiving time any differently than my internal chronometer." (TNG: "Timescape")
"Better late than never"

An aphorism attributed to Titus Livius in A History of Rome. (VOY: "Human Error" / VOY: "Before and After", "Prey", "Timeless", "The Fight", "Someone to Watch Over Me"; ENT: "The Breach")

"Ignorance is bliss"
"Leave well enough alone"
"Live life to the fullest"
"Necessity is the mother of invention"
"One cannot cheat fate"
"The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing"


"There is no honor in attacking the weak"
  • When Worf observed his estranged son, Alexander, not playing well with other children aboard the Enterprise-D, he apprised him that "there is no honor in attacking the weak." Alexander announced to Worf that he would have won, but Worf, reminding him that that was not so, and that "you must earn vistocy." (TNG: "Reunion")
"There is no honor in self pity"
  • When Ezri Dax and Worf were captured by the Breen and were planned to be executed on Cardassia, she lamented the fact that her "contribution to the Dax legacy will be to end it." Worf's replied was that "there is no honor in self pity," which irritated her so much as to say, "You know, Worf, I have had just about enough of your little Klingon aphorisms." (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows")

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