An artery was a large blood vessel.
In 2268, upon inhabiting James T. Kirk's body, Sargon commented on the experience of having a body again, including feeling arteries surge with blood again. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")
In 2367, following Jono's attack on Jean-Luc Picard, Doctor Beverly Crusher reassured him that no major arteries were damaged. (TNG: "Suddenly Human")
In 2370, the location of Worf's bite mark on Deanna Troi, nowhere near a major artery or organ, led Dr. Crusher to speculate (correctly) that the mutated Klingon didn't wish to harm a similarly mutated Troi, but rather saw her as his mate. (TNG: "Genesis")
In 2372, B'Elanna Torres compared a continuous power drain from an Automated Personnel Unit to a bleeding artery, adding that she had no tourniquet to stem the drain. (VOY: "Prototype")
In 2374, a holographic Leonardo da Vinci compared features of a fortress to the veins and arteries of a large animal. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")
Arteries |
Arteries: Aorta (abdominal aorta) • Basilar • Brachial • Carotid • Femoral • Lateral • Middle meningeal |
Medical conditions: Aortic rupture • aging • arteriosclerosis (atherosclerosis) • damage • disruption • occlusion • pressure • rupture • vasoconstriction |
Tests and treatments: aortal graft • basilar arterial scan • cytoglobin • pressor field |