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Bajoran script

Bajoran script

The Bajoran language (also known as Modern Bajoran) was spoken and written language of the Bajorans of Bajor, descended from Ancient Bajoran.

Ro Laren commended Jean-Luc Picard on having improved his Bajoran between her time on the USS Enterprise-D and 2401. (PIC: "Imposters")

Written language[]

Classroom alphabet 2

Parts of the Bajoran alphabet (lower right)

Bajoran script, Reckoning text

Ancient Bajoran from the Reckoning Tablet (left), translated into Modern Bajoran (right) and English

The Bajoran written language consisted of square symbols composed of thick lines. Bajoran tended to be written in horizontal lines, although it could be written vertically. (DS9: "Shadows and Symbols")

Bajoran writing was said to be ideographic, in that each character represented a single thought or word. Most forms of written Bajoran shared some root ideograms, as evidenced by the Reckoning Tablet. Each ancient Bajoran symbol translated into a pair of nearly identical modern Bajoran symbols. (DS9: "The Reckoning")

Bajoran books opened from left to right, though it is not clear that this is related to the direction of writing. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")

By 2259, Starfleet officer Nyota Uhura was familiar with the Bajoran language. She considered it while trying to translate glyphs inscribed on a time portal found on Krulmuth-B, though the language was eventually determined to be ancient Nausicaan. (SNW: "Those Old Scientists")

A crossword puzzle in Carl's anachronistic copy of The Star Dispatch included Bajoran script. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 1")

Keiko O'Brien's classroom featured a chart depicting the English, the Ferengi, the Cardassian, and the Bajoran alphabets. The chart listed some twenty-five Bajoran language symbols. (DS9: "The Nagus", "In the Hands of the Prophets", "Cardassians")

Words and phrases[]

Religious terms[]


Examples of spoken language[]

Raka-ja ut shala morala... ema bo roo kana... uranak... ralanon (NAME)... propeh va nara ehsuk shala-kan vunek...
Do not let him walk alone... guide him on his journey... protect... the one named (NAME)... take him into the gates of heaven...
Duranja lamp prayer for the recently deceased. (DS9: "Shakaar")

This translation comes from the script. [1]

Ahn-kay ya, ay-ya vasu. Coh-ma-ra, di-nay-ya...
Bajoran death chant, repeated over and over again for approximately three hours. (DS9: "Battle Lines")

Tesra Peldor impatri bren. Bentel vetan ullon sten...
Presiders address at the Gratitude Festival. (DS9: "Fascination")

Jia'kaja, tre'nu'tol'a rem... La'por i'lanu kos... I'nar tan'a'tali nor...
Prayer to the prophets asking for protection or favor. (DS9: "Starship Down")

Zhia'kala, tar'eh anu suur... te'von, aka'lu rez... ka'vor, mat'ana kel...
Marriage blessing by the Emissary. (DS9: "Accession")

Boray pree hadokee. Tolata impara boresh. Preeya (GROOM'S NAME), Preeya (BRIDE'S NAME), abrem varo atel...
Traditional marriage blessing used in conjunction with a simple ceremony. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

Lata impara no takash... Veshanoo yavar ha iktasho.
With humility and gratitude, we accept this gift... the sacred Orb of Prophecy.
Orb blessing prayer. (DS9: "Resurrection")

(Prayer leader) Tera dak ihsehelm ran embah...
(ALL) de-ram ta-MEEN!
Chanted by Kai Winn and fellow Bajorans in the hours before the Reckoning. (DS9: "The Reckoning")

Dabaldor rut gahar sahay ut see-grem faren.
An ego that would lead to you betray me. (PIC: "Imposters")


Background information[]

The spoken Bajoran language was often written by Ronald D. Moore. "I just make it up," he laughed. "I do it phonetically so it has a certain rhythm and sound in my head that I can tag as the way Bajorans sound." In scripts, Moore also provided an English translation of each verbalized use of the language, for the benefit of the actors. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 244)

Bajoran ideograms

Ancient Bajoran root ideograms (top and third row,) and the split and derived modern characters (second and fourth row)

The Bajoran script was designed by Doug Drexler, who was senior scenic artist for Deep Space Nine. [2](X)

A Bajoran navigation device used in "Explorers" that featured Bajoran script was auctioned as part of the It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [3](X)

External link[]
