Personnel assigned to Baran's mercenary ship in the late 2360s until 2370. As of 2370, aside from "Galen" and Riker, they faced charges on Vulcan, Qo'noS, Cardassia, Ferenginar, and at least seven other worlds.
- Arctus Baran
- Tallera (alias for T'Paal)
- Vekor
- Narik
- Galen (alias for Jean-Luc Picard)
- William T. Riker
Alien female marauder[]
This female alien marauder from an unknown species was part of Arctus Baran's crew and signed on to his mission to retrieve fragments of the fabled Stone of Gol. Like all crewmembers she had a neural servo, which let Baran control her actions. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II")
This female alien was played by background actress Eugenie Bondurant who received no credit for this appearance.
Alien male marauder[]
This male alien marauder from an unknown species accompanied the away team which beamed on board the Enterprise-D to steal a fragment of the Stone of Gol. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")
The alien marauder was played by background actor Kevin Indio Copeland who received no credit for this appearance.
Baran's predecessor[]
Arctus Baran's predecessor introduced the neural servo to the crew of his ship as "a convenient way of enforcing discipline." This predecessor was later eliminated by Baran when "He failed to enforce it with me." (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")
This predecessor was only mentioned in dialogue.
Human marauder 1[]
This Human marauder was also part of Baran's crew and signed on to the mission to find the fragments of the Stone of Gol. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I", "Gambit, Part II")
This marauder was played by background actor M. Smith who received no credit for this role.
Human marauder 2[]
This Human marauder was part of Arctus Baran's mercenary crew and accompanied Galen and Narik aboard the USS Enterprise-D. They shot at Doctor Beverly Crusher and Lieutenant Worf and then beamed into the observation lounge where they stole a fragment from the Klingon Koral and captured Commander William T. Riker. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II")
This mercenary was played by actor Paul Genick who received no credit for this appearance.