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Memory Alpha
Beer, 2151


A beer or ale was any alcoholic beverage produced by the fermentation of starches, which were not distilled afterwards. The production of beer and some other alcoholic beverages was often done in a brewery.


In 2000, Shannon O'Donnel shared a round of beer with her future husband Henry Janeway in a Portage Creek, Indiana bar. Apparently, cold beer was the one benefit of the modern age the two could agree upon. O'Donnel later also shared a round of beer with Gerald Moss. (VOY: "11:59")

In 2022, time travelers La'an Noonien-Singh and James T. Kirk shared a few bottles of beer with Pelia while visiting her at The Archeology Department in Vermont. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

In 2024, several patrons at Deacon's bar in Los Angeles were drinking beer when Agnes Jurati entered the place to wreak havoc under the influence of the Borg Queen. (PIC: "Monsters")

Tom and B'Elanna watch TV

Tom Paris drinking beer while watching TV with B'Elanna Torres


James T. Kirk having a glass of beer

In 2151, Jonathan Archer, Charles Tucker III, and Malcolm Reed toasted the successful installation of Enterprise NX-01's phase cannons with a round of beer. (ENT: "Silent Enemy")

In 2285, James T. Kirk and Admiral Morrow both had a glass of beer at their dinner when Kirk tried to persuade the admiral to let the USS Enterprise go back to the Genesis Planet. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

According to Calvin Hudson, New Berlin in 2354 was "sausage and beer all around" during the Mazurka Festival. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part I")

Ennan VI ale

Ale from Ennan VI

The inhabitants of Ennan VI were known for producing a high-quality ale. When William T. Riker invited some of the USS Enterprise-D senior staff to his quarters for omelettes in 2365, Katherine Pulaski brought a bottle of this ale as a gift. (TNG: "Time Squared")

In 2366, Duffy ordered a synthehol replication of a light ale from Earth in Ten Forward. (TNG: "Hollow Pursuits")

When asked what he thought of Bajoran synthale in 2369, Quark called the local ale "dreadful", adding to "never trust ale from a god-fearing people". (DS9: "Emissary")

On Deep Space 9, Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir also enjoyed having beer together, especially after one of their holosuite adventures or playing a game of darts. Upon learning about Keiko O'Brien's pregnancy, Quark served Miles some beer to celebrate. (DS9: "Fascination", "Accession")

In 2376, B'Elanna Torres replicated beer for Tom Paris as part of a special surprise for him after his two week away mission. She had replicated a television set and popcorn, but Tom told her that only the beer was missing. (VOY: "Memorial")

In 2380, Commander Jack Ransom invited Lieutenant Commander Stevens to share a beer with him after completing second contact with the Galardonians. (LD: "Second Contact")

Later that year, Ensign Brad Boimler ordered a large beer from a mess hall replicator in an effort to appear cool to his new girlfriend Barbara Brinson, but ended up spilling it on her. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")


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