Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Blade weapons

A variety of bladed weapons

For the organic structure, such as a blade grass, please see leaf; for the starship structural component, please see blade (ship).

A blade was the primary cutting component of a knife or sword. Klingon culture made extensive use of blades of many various types.

Worf commented to B'Etor in 2370, that "You cannot tarnish a rusted blade," after she claimed that the would-be assassins of Worf implicated them in order to "tarnish our good name." (TNG: "Firstborn")

Kerner Hauze displayed a variety of blade weapons in his menagerie, including a kar'takin, a lirpa, an ushaan-tor, a bat'leth, and a mek'leth. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

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