Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

A body of water was any notable natural or artificial collection of water on a planet's surface, such as an ocean, sea, lake, pond, river, etc. Navigable bodies of water were known as waterways.

Upon landing on the surface of Pyris VII in 2267, Captain James T. Kirk found it odd that their initial probe didn't indicate the fog that he and Commander Spock were witnessing. Spock noted that there were "no cloud formations, no bodies of water, [and] no changes in surface temperature. Under these conditions, fog is highly unlikely, captain." (TOS: "Catspaw")

Following the arrival of the USS Enterprise-D to Rana IV in 2366, sensors detected "no bodies of water, no vegetation, no artificial structures," and "lifeform readings are negative," following a Husnock attack. (TNG: "The Survivors")

When USS Voyager first arrived at the devastated planet of a red dwarf system, in an alternate 2371, sensor scans indicated that "density patterns on the surface show artificial waterways and a global aqueduct system." (VOY: "Time and Again")

One of the planets located by Gedrin in 2376 as a possible site for Vaadwaur resettlement was described as "somewhat harsh" as it had "no large bodies of water and the vegetation [was] sparse." (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")

On Vashti in the 2390s, many waterways and roads were patrolled by the Qowat Milat, protecting both Romulan and Terran lives. (PIC: "Absolute Candor")

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