Boimler Seven was a holodeck program created by Brad Boimler to prepare for various crew interactions. In late 2380 he used it to prepare for an evaluation he had with Captain Carol Freeman, for her selection of an "eager to please ensign" to attend her advanced diplomacy workshop. His focus was to practice seeing how eager to please he needed to be. Beckett Mariner described it as a "brown-nosing program".
The simulation loaded on the bridge of the USS Cerritos and contained numerous simulated crewmembers, so that Boimler could pre-interview and not make any mistakes during the real thing. He uploaded seven years worth of entries from the entire crew's private logs, which the computer then used to create an algorithmically perfect simulation of every crew member. Then, all Boimler needed to do was feed the holograms a scenario and the simulated crew then "filled in the blanks" for him.
Mariner then began rewriting Boimler's code and created the holoprogram Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta. Boimler continued to utilize Mariner's modified program for its original use as intended. (LD: "Crisis Point")
In 2381, Boimler went back to this program to create a sequel to the holoprogram, Crisis Point II: Paradoxus. (LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")
Simulated Cerritos crewmembers who appeared in the original holoprogram included:
- Named
- Unnamed
They were later carried over as Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta holograms, and Crisis Point II: Paradoxus holograms. (LD: "Crisis Point", "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")