Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Richard Bruce Hyde (14 September 194113 October 2015; age 74) was the actor who played Lieutenant Kevin Riley in the Star Trek: The Original Series first season episodes "The Naked Time" and "The Conscience of the King". He filmed his scenes for the former between Tuesday 5 July 1966 and Friday 8 July 1966, and his scenes for the latter on Thursday 15 September 1966 and Monday 19 September 1966, all at Desilu Stage 9.

In 1998, thirty-two years after he had shot his last scenes for Star Trek, he was briefly reacquainted with the Star Trek franchise, when he made an otherwise uncredited appearance as himself in the film portion of the "Klingon Encounter" ride at the Las Vegas Star Trek: The Experience attraction.


He also had a recurring role during the fifth and final season of the TV series Dr. Kildare in early 1966. Overall, Hyde's on-screen acting career was quite brief, encompassing a grand total of nine TV guest appearances from November, 1965 to December, 1966. Following a role in the musical Hair in San Francisco, Hyde decided to remain in the city, and step away from his acting career. He noted, "I played a hippie – and I decided I wanted to be a hippie instead of playing one. I was going to get a Volkswagen bus and a big bag of brown rice and go find God. And that's what I did." (Star Trek Magazine issue 117)

While Hyde was living in the Bay Area he parlayed his education into a substitute teacher's certification, worked as a substitute teacher and directed at least one high school musical. Hyde also attempted to break into the music business while in the area playing occasionally at coffee houses in San Francisco. While his music was profound and his style engaging Hyde recognized that the challenges involved in the music business were beyond his tolerance and moved back near his family in Denton, Texas. Some recordings were made by Hyde himself but very few copies of his performances remain in existence.

Hyde eventually earned a PhD in Rhetoric/Communications Studies at the University of Southern California, and became chair of the Theater, Film Studies, and Dance department at St. Cloud State University. He has also worked with the personal development educational company Landmark Education.

He passed away on 13 October 2015 from throat cancer. [1]

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