Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Shaxs in the nude

Shaxs' naked holographic butt

T'Pol naked

T'Pol's back and upper buttocks

"You ever noticed her bum?"
Malcolm Reed, 2151 ("Shuttlepod One")

The buttocks, butt, behind, bum, backside, rear end, or ass was the part of the body upon which a lifeform sat, situated at the end of their back and, in bipeds, above the legs, and in quadrupeds, above the rear legs.

Captain Jonathan Archer noted that he didn't recruit his tactical officer to sit on his butt when he's threatened, replying to Trip Tucker's comment that Malcolm Reed wouldn't be that reckless to risk the lives of the landing party following a threat by the Andorian Commander Thy'lek Shran in 2151. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

That November, while drunk on bourbon, Malcolm Reed stated that T'Pol had a "nice bum". (ENT: "Shuttlepod One")

When Charles Tucker III was repairing a shuttle, he told Kaitaama to lift her butt so he could access a piece of technology. (ENT: "Precious Cargo")

A "horse's ass" was crude slang for an impolite person. (ENT: "North Star")

When Sim decided to sacrifice himself for Charles Tucker, he said that if Tucker tried to repair the engines, he had to "watch his ass". (ENT: "Similitude")

It was considered impolite among Humans to slap somebody on their butt. When Charles Evans did it to Janice Rand, she told him to ask James T. Kirk to explain. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Ass Face

An officer with an anthropomorphic ass face

During an anything but canon account, the captain of the USS Enterprise inadvertently conjured a humanoid with an anthropomorphic ass face after using a figure of speech, "I'm a dumbass, I screwed up," Insulted, the previously unknown ass-faced officer inquired if the captain meant that "asses [were] dumb." (VST: "Skin a Cat")

In slang, to "kick someone's butt" meant to defeat them and to "save someone's butt" or "save someone's ass" meant to rescue them. (DS9: "Rivals"; VOY: "Caretaker"; DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 1")

When Melora Pazlar was having medical treatment to make her adjust to the higher levels of gravity than she was used to, it increased the activity in her motor cortex, resulting in her neuromuscular tissue being stimulated and a sensation of her buttocks warming up. (DS9: "Melora")

When Zek was visiting Deep Space 9 one time, he pinched Kira Nerys on her behind. She tried to threaten to stick the brizeen nitrate he was planning to sell to Bajor up his behind lest he do it again, but was interrupted by Quark. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

When Dukat accidentally sat on a sand spine, it ended up stuck in his behind and Kira Nerys had to pull it out. (DS9: "Indiscretion")

When William T. Riker shaved his beard, he suggested to Data that his face was now "smooth as an android's bottom." Data checked, and indicated that Riker was incorrect. (Star Trek: Insurrection)

A member of Species 8472 posing as Boothby threatened to knock Chakotay "right on [his] Human butt" if he didn't sit down. (VOY: "In the Flesh")

When The Doctor tested his new program that made him able to daydream, he imagined Tuvok becoming destructive due to pon farr and himself singing to Tom Paris, instructing him to load a hypospray and "aim for [Tuvok's] behind" when given a signal by the doctor. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy")

In 2380, Ensign Brad Boimler noticed that spider cows had the ability to shoot "butt webbing." (LD: "Second Contact")

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