Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

This is a list of cards from Energize, a series of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game: Second Edition from Decipher.


  • A Klingon Matter
  • Casualties of War
  • Crippling Attack
  • Dedication to Duty
  • Disgraceful Assault
  • Disruptor Accident
  • DNA Security Scan
  • Exposed Power Relay
  • Face to Face
  • Flim-Flam Artist
  • Head to Head
  • Hired Muscle
  • Houdini Mines
  • Meaningless Words
  • Memory Invasion
  • Nausicaan Pirates
  • Picking Up the Pieces
  • Plasma Shock
  • Quaint Technology
  • Racial Tension
  • Sorting Things Out
  • Stolen Computer Core
  • Subspace Accident
  • Telepathic Deception
  • Timescape
  • Training Accident
  • Traitor Exposed
  • Unexpected



  • Ak'voh
  • Assassination Plot
  • Born for Conquest
  • Brief Reunion
  • Cargo Run
  • Common Ground
  • Complications
  • Confessions in the Pale Moonlight
  • Conscription
  • Crowd Control
  • Deep Roots
  • Disable Sensors
  • Ferocity
  • For the Cause
  • For the Sisko
  • Heart of Glory
  • Kotra
  • Legal Proceedings
  • Life Support
  • Machinations
  • Mental Discipline
  • Peldor Joi
  • Personal Forcefield
  • Picking Up the Basics
  • Pickpocket
  • Political Leverage
  • Power to the Weapons
  • Rash Aggression
  • Reconfiguration
  • Retaliation
  • Salvaging the Wreckage
  • Shadow Operation
  • Sickbay
  • Smuggling Run
  • Staunch Determination
  • Straying from the Path
  • Temba, His Arms Wide
  • The Text of the Kosst Amojan
  • Under Scrutiny
  • Unexpected Difficulties
  • Unseen Manipulations
  • Vast Resources
  • Visionary
  • We Will Not Surrender


  • Bank Heist
  • Coordinated Attack
  • Diplomatic Masquerade
  • Discreet Inquiry
  • Emergency Treatment
  • Fresh Tactic
  • Honorable Death
  • "If Wishes Were Horses"
  • Ja'chuq
  • Powerful Example
  • Precautionary Measures
  • Relentless
  • Shared Delicacy
  • Stricken Dumb
  • Team of Ambassadors
  • The Prophets' Guidance
  • The Truth of War
  • Vile Deception
  • Vision of Violence
  • We Are Klingon
  • Well-Crafted Lure


  • Aid Clone Colony
  • Athos IV, Maquis Base
  • Avert Danger
  • Brute Force
  • Cargo Haul
  • Investigate Maquis Activity
  • Mine Nebula
  • Treat Plague Ship
















Type and Affiliation Title Rarity Card #
Dilemma A Klingon Matter Uncommon 2U1
Dilemma Casualties of War Rare 2R2
Dilemma Crippling Attack Uncommon 2U3
Dilemma Dedication to Duty Common 2C4
Dilemma Disgraceful Assault Common 2C5
Dilemma Disruptor Accident Common 2C6
Dilemma DNA Security Scan Common 2C7
Dilemma Exposed Power Relay Uncommon 2U8
Dilemma Face to Face Rare 2R9
Dilemma Flim-Flam Artist Uncommon 2U10
Dilemma Head to Head Rare 2R11
Dilemma Hired Muscle Uncommon 2U12
Dilemma Houdini Mines Common 2C13
Dilemma Meaningless Words Common 2C14
Dilemma Memory Invasion Common 2C15
Dilemma Nausicaans Pirates Common 2C16
Dilemma Picking Up the Pieces Uncommon 2U17
Dilemma Plasma Shock Uncommon 2U18
Dilemma Quaint Technology Uncommon 2U19
Dilemma Racial Tension Common 2C20
Dilemma Sorting Things Out Common 2C21
Dilemma Stolen Computer Core Uncommon 2U22
Dilemma Subspace Accident Common 2C23
Dilemma Telepathic Deception Common 2C24
Dilemma Timescape Common 2C25
Dilemma Training Accident Rare 2R26
Dilemma Traitor Exposed Common 2C27
Dilemma Unexpected Common 2C28
Equipment Bat'leth Common 2C29
Event Ak'voh Rare 2R30
Event Assassination Plot Rare 2R31
Event Born for Conquest Uncommon 2U32
Event Brief Reunion Uncommon 2U33
Event Cargo Run Common 2C34
Event Common Ground Rare 2R35
Event Complications Rare 2R36
Event Confessions in the Pale Moonlight Rare 2R37
Event Conscription Rare 2R38
Event Crowd Control Common 2C39
Event Deep Roots Rare 2R40
Event Disable Sensors Rare 2R41
Event Ferocity Uncommon 2U42
Event For the Cause Common 2C43
Event For the Sisko Uncommon 2U44
Event Heart of Glory Common 2C45
Event Kotra Uncommon 2U46
Event Legal Proceedings Common 2C47
Event Life Support Common 2C48
Event Machinations Rare 2R49
Event Mental Discipline Uncommon 2U50
Event Peldor Jol Uncommon 2U51
Event Personal Forcefield Common 2C52
Event Picking Up the Basics Uncommon 2U53
Event Pickpocket Common 2C54
Event Political Leverage Uncommon 2U55
Event Power to the Weapons Common 2C56
Event Rash Aggression Common 2C57
Event Reconfiguration Common 2C58
Event Retaliation Rare 2R59
Event Salvaging the Wreckage Common 2C60
Event Shadow Operation Rare 2R61
Event Sickbay Uncommon 2U62
Event Smuggling Run Uncommon 2U63
Event Staunch Determination Uncommon 2U64
Event Straying from the Path Rare 2R65
Event Temba, His Arms Wide Uncommon 2U66
Event The Text of the Kosst Amojan Rare 2R67
Event Under Scrutiny Rare 2R68
Event Unexpected Difficulties Common 2C69
Event Unseen Manipulations Uncommon 2U70
Event Vast Resources Uncommon 2U71
Event Visionary Rare 2R72
Event We Will Not Surrender Uncommon 2U73
Interrupt Bank Heist Uncommon 2U74
Interrupt Coordinated Attack Common 2C75
Interrupt Diplomatic Masquerade Uncommon 2U76
Interrupt Discreet Inquiry Uncommon 2U77
Interrupt Emergency Treatment Common 2C78
Interrupt Fresh Tactic Common 2C79
Interrupt Honorable Death Uncommon 2U80
Interrupt If Wishes Were Horses Rare 2R81
Interrupt Ja'chuq Rare 2R82
Interrupt Powerful Example Rare 2R83
Interrupt Precautionary Measures Uncommon 2U84
Interrupt Relentless Rare 2R85
Interrupt Shared Delicacy Uncommon 2U86
Interrupt Stricken Dumb Uncommon 2U87
Interrupt Team of Ambassadors Common 2C88
Interrupt The Prophets' Guidance Common 2C89
Interrupt The Truth of War Common 2C90
Interrupt Vile Deception Rare 2R91
Interrupt Vision of Violence Common 2C92
Interrupt We Are Klingon Uncommon 2U93
Interrupt Well-Crafted Lure Uncommon 2U94
Mission Aid Clone Colony Uncommon 2U95
Mission Athos IV, Maquis Base Uncommon 2U96
Mission Avert Danger Uncommon 2U97
Mission Brute Force Uncommon 2U98
Mission Cargo Haul Uncommon 2U99
Mission Investigate Maquis Activity Uncommon 2U100
Mission Mine Nebula Uncommon 2U101
Mission Treat Plague Ship Uncommon 2U102
Personnel – Bajoran Akorem Laan, Revered Poet Uncommon 2U103
Personnel – Bajoran Borum, Selfless Hero Rare 2R104
Personnel – Bajoran Jaro Essa, Leader of the Circle Rare 2R105
Personnel – Bajoran Kira Nerys, Impassioned Major Rare 2R106
Personnel – Bajoran Kurn, Bajoran Security Officer Rare 2R107
Personnel – Bajoran Leeta, Dabo Girl Rare 2R108
Personnel – Bajoran Ro Laren, Maquis Sympathizer Common 2C109
Personnel – Bajoran The Sirah, The Storyteller Uncommon 2U110
Personnel – Bajoran Varis Sul, Tetrarch of the Paqu Uncommon 2U111
Personnel – Bajoran Winn Adami, Devious Manipulator Rare 2R112
Personnel – Cardassian Boheeka, Clandestine Connection Uncommon 2U113
Personnel – Cardassian Enabran Tain, Retired Mastermind Rare 2R114
Personnel – Cardassian Evek, Harsh Interrogator Rare 2R115
Personnel – Cardassian Jural Common 2C116
Personnel – Cardassian Natima Lang, Professor of Political Ethics Uncommon 2U117
Personnel – Federation Benjamin Sisko, Man of Resolve Uncommon 2U118
Personnel – Federation Cal Hudson, Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone Uncommon 2U119
Personnel – Federation Chakotay, Freedom Fighter Rare 2R120
Personnel – Federation Ezri Dax, Station Counselor Rare 2R121
Personnel – Federation Jake Sisko, Temporal Anchor Rare 2R122
Personnel – Federation Joseph Sisko, Creole Chef Uncommon 2U123
Personnel – Federation Julian Bashir, "Unnatural Freak" Uncommon 2U124
Personnel – Federation Keiko O'Brien, School Teacher Rare 2R125
Personnel – Federation Kelly, Relief Tactical Officer Common 2C126
Personnel – Federation Michael Eddington, Noble Hero Rare 2R127
Personnel – Federation Miles O'Brien, Transporter Chief Rare 2R128
Personnel – Federation Niles Common 2C129
Personnel – Federation Rebecca Sullivan, Resistance Fighter Rare 2R130
Personnel – Federation Thomas Riker, Defiant Leader Rare 2R131
Personnel – Federation William Patrick Samuels, Maquis Saboteur Uncommon 2U132
Personnel – Klingon Bregath Common 2C133
Personnel – Klingon Divok Common 2C134
Personnel – Klingon Drex, Arrogant Warrior Rare 2R135
Personnel – Klingon K'mpec, Klingon Supreme Commander Rare 2R136
Personnel – Klingon Kahless, The Greatest Warrior of Them All Uncommon 2U137
Personnel – Klingon Kahless, The Unforgettable Rare 2R138
Personnel – Klingon Kargan, Rash Captain Rare 2R139
Personnel – Klingon Khar Common 2C140
Personnel – Klingon Khos Common 2C141
Personnel – Klingon Konmel, Renegade Warrior Rare 2R142
Personnel – Klingon Koral, Dour Smuggler Common 2C143
Personnel – Klingon Korris, Renegade Captain Rare 2R144
Personnel – Klingon Losta Common 2C145
Personnel – Klingon M'vil Uncommon 2U146
Personnel – Non-Aligned Amaros, Earnest Vanguard Uncommon 2U147
Personnel – Non-Aligned Arctus Baran, Mercenary Captain Common 2C148
Personnel – Non-Aligned Harana Common 2C149
Personnel – Non-Aligned Jaglom Shrek Common 2C150
Personnel – Non-Aligned Kobb Common 2C151
Personnel – Non-Aligned Liam Bilby, Family Man Common 2C152
Personnel – Non-Aligned Macius Common 2C153
Personnel – Non-Aligned Maques, Cairn Delegate Common 2C154
Personnel – Non-Aligned Narik Common 2C155
Personnel – Non-Aligned Raimus, Criminal Master Uncommon 2U156
Personnel – Non-Aligned Roga Danar, Decorated Subhadar Rare 2R157
Personnel – Non-Aligned Sakonna, Gunrunner Rare 2R158
Personnel – Non-Aligned Sark Common 2C159
Personnel – Non-Aligned Vekor Common 2C160
Personnel – Romulan Galathon, Steadfast Rival Rare 2R161
Personnel – Romulan Mirok, Interphase Researcher Uncommon 2U162
Personnel – Romulan Neral, Senate Proconsul Rare 2R163
Personnel – Romulan Palteth Common 2C164
Personnel – Romulan Sirol, Diplomatic Adversary Rare 2R165
Personnel – Romulan T'Rul, Curt Sub-Commander Uncommon 2U166
Personnel – Romulan Toraan Common 2C167
Personnel – Romulan Toreth, Cautious Commander Rare 2R168
Ship – Bajoran Kitara Rare 2R169
Ship – Cardassian Aldara Rare 2R170
Ship – Federation Guingouin Uncommon 2U171
Ship – Federation Maquis Raider Common 2C172
Ship – Federation Val Jean Rare 2R173
Ship – Klingon IKS Qam-Chee Rare 2R174
Ship – Non-Aligned Fortune Rare 2R175
Ship – Non-Aligned Mercenary Ship Common 2C176
Ship – Non-Aligned Tama Uncommon 2U177
Ship – Romulan IRW Khazara Rare 2R178
Ship – Romulan IRW Terix Rare 2R179
Ship – Romulan IRW Trolarak Rare 2R180