Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

This is a list of cards from The Holodeck Adventures, a series of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game: First Edition from Decipher.
















  • Dar - this personnel also has a Hirogen affiliation card
  • Wodek'idan - this personnel also has a Hirogen affiliation card



  • Dar - this personnel also has a Dominion affiliation card
  • Doran - this personnel also has a Cardassian affiliation card
  • Garren - this personnel also has a Romulan affiliation card
  • Harath - this personnel also has a Cardassian affiliation card
  • Iden - this personnel also has a Bajoran affiliation card
  • Kejal - this personnel also has a Cardassian affiliation card
  • Sumek - this personnel also has a Federation affiliation card
  • Weiss - this personnel also has a Federation affiliation card
  • Wodek'idan - this personnel also has a Dominion affiliation card





  • Garren - this personnel also has a Hirogen affiliation card
  • Praetor Neral


  • Maleth

Q Dilemma[]

  • Ar-Q-Ologist

Q Event[]

  • Q's Fantasy Women - this card was mis-printed as a Q-Dilemma

Q Interrupt[]

  • Quandary




  • Olarra - this card also has a non-aligned affiliation card




Type and Affiliation Title Rarity Card #
Artifact The City Of B'hala Rare 1
Dilemma Alice Common 2
Dilemma Chula: Echoes Common 3
Dilemma Chula: Trickery Uncommon 4
Dilemma Cytoplasmic Life-Form Uncommon 5
Dilemma Dejaren Common 6
Dilemma Emergent Life-Form Uncommon 7
Dilemma Primitive Humanoids Common 8
Dilemma Talosian Cage Uncommon 9
Dilemma The Clown: Guillotine Uncommon 10
Dilemma The Clown: Playing Doctor Rare 11
Dilemma Your Galaxy is Impure Rare 12
Doorway Holodeck Door Uncommon 13
Equipment '45 Dom Perignon Common 14
Equipment Ablative Armor Common 15
Equipment Satan's Robot Uncommon 16
Event Bynars Data Transfer Uncommon 17
Event Dominion War Efforts Common 18
Event Ferengi Financial Data Net Rare 19
Event Holo-projectors Uncommon 20
Event Oo-mox Common 21
Facility - Outpost Transwarp Hub Rare 22
Incident Children of Light Common 23
Incident Clone Machine Rare 24
Incident Cybernetics Expertise Common 25
Incident Holoprogram: 221B Baker Street Common 26
Incident Holoprogram: Deadwood Common 27
Incident Holoprogram: Noah's Mountain Retreat Common 28
Incident Holoprogram: the Fortress of Doom Common 29
Incident Holoprogram: the Office of Dixon Hill Common 30
Incident In the Zone Common 31
Incident Jem'hadar Shrouding Common 32
Incident Tongo Rare 33
Incident White Deprivation Common 34
Interrupt All Threes Uncommon 35
Interrupt Data, Keep Dealing Uncommon 36
Interrupt I'm a doctor, not a Bartender Common 37
Interrupt I've Been Waiting for You Uncommon 38
Interrupt Remember The Alamo Common 39
Interrupt Small Oversight Common 40
Mission Establish Home Planet Uncommon 41
Mission Mine Gallicite Common 42
Mission Repair Memorial Uncommon 43
Mission Seal Rift Uncommon 44
Mission Study Protonebula Uncommon 45
Mission Transport Colonists Common 46
Objective Bajoran Resistance Cell Uncommon 47
Objective Hunting Group Common 48
Objective Orbital Bombardment Rare 49
Personnel - Bajoran Els Renora Uncommon 50
Personnel - Bajoran Iden Rare Plus 51
Personnel - Bajoran Teero Anaydis Rare 52
Personnel - Cardassian Crell Moset Rare Plus 53
Personnel - Cardassian Doran Common 54
Personnel - Cardassian Ekoor Uncommon 55
Personnel - Cardassian Harath Common 56
Personnel - Cardassian Kejal Rare Plus 57
Personnel - Cardassian Mila Uncommon 58
Personnel - Cardassian Rusot Uncommon 59
Personnel - Cardassian Seskal Uncommon 60
Personnel - Cardassian Vornar Common 61
Personnel - Dominion Dar Common 62
Personnel - Dominion Wodek'idan Common 63
Personnel - Federation Admiral J.P. Hanson Rare Plus 64
Personnel - Federation Boothby Rare Plus 65
Personnel - Federation E.M.H. - Mark II Uncommon 66
Personnel - Federation Edward Jellico Rare Plus 67
Personnel - Federation Ezri Dax Rare Plus 68
Personnel - Federation Lewis Zimmerman Rare Plus 69
Personnel - Federation Naomi Wildman Uncommon 70
Personnel - Federation Sam Lavelle Common 71
Personnel - Federation Sumek Common 72
Personnel - Federation The E.C.H. Rare Plus 73
Personnel - Federation Weiss Rare Plus 74
Personnel - Hirogen Dar Common 62
Personnel - Hirogen Garren Common 120
Personnel - Hirogen Iden Rare Plus 51
Personnel - Hirogen Kejal Rare Plus 57
Personnel - Hirogen Sumek Common 72
Personnel - Hirogen Weiss Rare Plus 74
Personnel - Hirogen Wodek'idan Common 63
Personnel - Kazon Rulat Uncommon 75
Personnel - Klingon B'Elanna Daughter of Miral Rare Plus 76
Personnel - Klingon Chancellor Gowron Rare Plus 77
Personnel - Klingon Kar'meth Common 78
Personnel - Klingon Nirok Uncommon 79
Personnel - Non-Aligned Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel Rare 80
Personnel - Non-Aligned Anastasia Komananov Rare Plus 81
Personnel - Non-Aligned Arachnia Rare Plus 82
Personnel - Non-Aligned Barash Rare 83
Personnel - Non-Aligned Buster Kincaid Rare 84
Personnel - Non-Aligned Captain Proton Rare Plus 85
Personnel - Non-Aligned Carlos Rare 86
Personnel - Non-Aligned Chaotica Rare 87
Personnel - Non-Aligned Cravic Unit 122 Uncommon 88
Personnel - Non-Aligned Cyrus Redblock Uncommon 89
Personnel - Non-Aligned Deputy Rozhenko Uncommon 90
Personnel - Non-Aligned Dixon Hill UR 91
Personnel - Non-Aligned Dr. Noah Rare Plus 92
Personnel - Non-Aligned Duchamps Rare Plus 93
Personnel - Non-Aligned Durango Rare Plus 94
Personnel - Non-Aligned Eli Hollander Uncommon 95
Personnel - Non-Aligned Falcon Rare Plus 96
Personnel - Non-Aligned Felix Leech Uncommon 97
Personnel - Non-Aligned Frank Hollander Rare Plus 98
Personnel - Non-Aligned John Watson Rare Plus 99
Personnel - Non-Aligned Leonardo da Vinci Rare 100
Personnel - Non-Aligned Lily Rare 101
Personnel - Non-Aligned Lonzak Uncommon 102
Personnel - Non-Aligned Madam Pulaski Uncommon 103
Personnel - Non-Aligned Minuet Rare 104
Personnel - Non-Aligned Mona Luvsitt Rare 105
Personnel - Non-Aligned Mr. Garak Rare Plus 106
Personnel - Non-Aligned Nicki the Nose Uncommon 107
Personnel - Non-Aligned Pralor Unit 3947 Uncommon 108
Personnel - Non-Aligned Pralor Unit 6263 Common 109
Personnel - Non-Aligned Professor Honey Bare Rare Plus 110
Personnel - Non-Aligned Professor Moriarty Rare Plus 111
Personnel - Non-Aligned Regina Barthalomew Uncommon 112
Personnel - Non-Aligned Secret Agent Julian Bashir Rare Plus 113
Personnel - Non-Aligned Sheriff Worf Rare Plus 114
Personnel - Non-Aligned Sherlock Holmes Rare Plus 115
Personnel - Non-Aligned Sigmund Freud Rare 116
Personnel - Non-Aligned The President of Earth Rare 117
Personnel - Non-Aligned The Twin Mistresses of Evil Uncommon 118
Personnel - Non-Aligned Vic Fontaine Rare Plus 119
Personnel - Romulan Garren Common 120
Personnel - Romulan Praetor Neral Rare Plus 121
Personnel - Vidiian Maleth Common 122
Q Dilemma Ar-Q-ologist Common 123
Q Event Q's Fantasy Women Common 124
Q Interrupt Quandary Common 125
Ship - Ferengi Trullux Uncommon 126
Ship - Hirogen Olarra Rare Plus 129
Ship - Non-Aligned Baxial Uncommon 127
Ship - Non-Aligned Cravic Warship Uncommon 128
Ship - Non-Aligned Olarra Rare Plus 129
Ship - Non-Aligned Pralor Warship Uncommon 130
Site Holosuite Common 131