Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Carl Zeemo was a holographic simulation of a Human mob godfather character in the Bashir 62 holoprogram. Zeemo was the wealthy individual bankrolling the mob foray into Las Vegas. His men took over Vic's lounge and turned it into a casino, which was run by Frankie Eyes and Tony Cicci. Although described as being "period-specific", Zeemo was, in contrast to Vic, not a self-aware program. Vic compared Zeemo to a junkyard dog.

The Carl Zeemo character was created by Felix, the creator of the Vic Fontaine program. Part of a jack-in-the-box subroutine, Felix added the new characters to spice up the holoprogram. The jack-in-the-box self-terminated after the subroutine was defeated by Vic and company, when they robbed the casino. After Zeemo discovered the safe was empty, he and his men escorted Frankie Eyes and Tony Cicci out of the casino. The program than returned to as it was before. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")

Carl Zeemo was played by Marc Lawrence.

According to the script, Mister Zeemo was described as "a wizened, old gangster, who's only gotten more dangerous with age." Additionally, his last name was pronounced as "zee-mo". [1]

Ira Steven Behr commented: "We wanted an actor who would carry the weight of history to any film buffs who were watching the show. Marc did a million film noir gangster movies. And he was perfect as the character. He's not physically threatening, but he made you realize that this guy is as coldblooded as Weyoun". (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. ?)'
