Doctor Carmen Cho was a Terran Imperial Starfleet officer who served aboard the ISS Enterprise as a junior science officer.
When the Terran Empire fell and its High Chancellor was killed, Cho was among the refugees who attempted to escape the mirror universe on the Enterprise. After the Enterprise became trapped in a pocket of interdimensional space, she and the others evacuated the ship and successfully reached the prime universe through a wormhole. Cho subsequently joined Federation Starfleet and advanced to become a branch admiral.
Following the discovery of the Progenitors in 2369, Cho was one of six scientists recruited by the Federation President to investigate them. They eventually found the technology used by the Progenitors to create life, but decided it was too dangerous to risk falling into the wrong hands. The group destroyed their research and erased themselves from all databases; to one day guide others to the technology, they created a map to its location that they split into five pieces. Cho took the third piece and hid it, along with a clue to the fourth piece, within the hulk of the ISS Enterprise, where it remained until it was retrieved by L'ak and Moll in 3191. (DIS: "Mirrors", "Whistlespeak")
In 3191, the names of Cho and the other scientists were uncovered by Doctor Kovich and given to Captain Michael Burnham. (DIS: "Whistlespeak")
This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
Her first name is revealed on Kovich's note in "Whistlespeak".
It is unknown whether Cho had a counterpart in the prime universe.