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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Earth starship classes category.
For general discussion, please visit Memory Alpha's Discussions, or join the chat on Discord.

Category:Starship classes sub-categories[]

Sub categories for Starship classes, which currently has ~356 different classes listed, primarily Federation starship classes. I would also like to suggest subcategories for some of the "major" races that have featured multiple starship classes (which too can make these subcategories double as subcategories on their planet categories). This includes: Earth starship classes; Vulcan starship classes; Romulan starship classes; Klingon starship classes; Cardassian starship classes; Bajoran starship classes; Xindi starship classes. --Alan del Beccio 01:26, 26 February 2006 (UTC)

  • I support each and everyone with at least 10 different classes. This appears to be a deficiency in our categorizing skills brought to light be a recent newcomer, and should be "dealt" with as soon as possible.--Tim Thomason 01:30, 26 February 2006 (UTC)