Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Clothing, clothes, or garments were objects worn on the body and which covered the skin. A wardrobe was a collection of one's clothing or any articles of clothing worn for a specific occasion.

More specifically, footwear was clothing which covered the feet, gloves covered the hands, hats and other headgear covered the head, pants covered the legs, and shirts covered the torso. Clothing was made from a variety of materials, such as fabrics or textiles. The amount and style of worn clothing typically depended on gender, occupation, social setting, desired fashion, and other factors of a given culture.

In 2364, while under the effects of polywater intoxication, Tasha Yar went to Counselor Deanna Troi's crew quarters for advice on clothes, as Troi always wore such beautiful clothes while off duty, and Yar wanted to change her image. (TNG: "The Naked Now")

In 2365, Geordi La Forge explained to Data that he should memorize the Sherlock Holmes holographic story by bringing up an example about a wardrobe. (TNG: "Elementary, Dear Data")

Wardrobe was mentioned in a detective novel Data was reading in early 2364 to become more prepared for a Dixon Hill adventure. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

In 2371, Gathorel Labin offered Kathryn Janeway an entire wardrobe made of cloth spun from a Dedestris flower, but she preferred a smaller gift, such as a scarf. (VOY: "Prime Factors")

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