Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
You may be looking for the Borg Collective or the computer game developer The Collective.

Voyager finds a Borg cube controlled by assimilated children who have been separated from the Collective mind.


Chakotay, Neelix, Harry Kim and Tom Paris are playing a poker game aboard the Delta Flyer when they encounter a Borg cube.

  • Captain’s log, supplemental. Harry's recovering in sickbay and the rest of the away team is safe and sound. As for the drones, the Doctor's removed most of their implants leaving us with four very troubled children.
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  • Note: Please obey copyright policy; do not copy material from other sources without permission.

Memorable Quotes

"Does that beat a flush?"
"I knew you were bluffing."
"That beats me. Tom?" (Tom stares at a borg cube dead ahead) "Battle stations!"
"And I had a full house..."

- Neelix, Kim, Chakotay and Paris while playing poker in the Delta Flyer.

"We will return your crew members in exchange for specific technology."
"Talk about unusual behaviour. The Borg negotiating?"

- Borg Collective and Torres

Background Information

  • Seven saves the life of an infant that was in a malfunctioning maturation chamber. We last see her in sickbay, where the Doctor claims that she almost died but will live, but she is never mentioned again on the show. There are some hints to what happened to the child. At the end of the episode Janeway states in her log "leaving us with four troubled children", suggesting that the infant was already no longer on board; but this is not addressed.

Links and References

Guest Stars


assimilation; Brunali; Borg cube; dampening field; Delta Flyer; dispersal field; incubation pod; maturation chamber; navigational deflector; neonatal; Norcadian; Norcadia Prime; plasma charge; plasma injector; poker; quadric field theory; sub-vocal processor; Theta class planetoid, thoracic node; tractor beam

Previous episode:
Star Trek: Voyager
Season 6
Next episode:
"Spirit Folk"