Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Mullibok in front of his cottage

A cottage was a type of small dwelling, often lacking much of the amenities found in a larger residence.

In 2351, Keena and Baltrim escaped the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor and found shelter on the Bajoran moon Jeraddo where they lived in a cottage, close to the one of their friend Mullibok's one.

Eighteen years later, when Jeraddo was to have been evacuated so the Bajoran Provisional Government could transfer energy from the moon's molten core, Mullibok refused to leave. Major Kira Nerys tried to convince him that Bajor was now free from the Cardassians and explained that if he were to remain on Jeraddo, he would die. After a skirmish, he declared that as long as his cottage was still standing, he would remain. Kira set fire to the cottage and as it burned, she informed Mullibok that it was time to move on. (DS9: "Progress")

A friend of Kira Nerys owned a two hundred-year-old cottage in the Musilla Province by 2373. This cottage was located in a forest, twenty kilometers from the next neighbor and thirty from the next settlement. It had two balconies, three fireplaces, and the Holana River was visible from every room. (DS9: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places")

Monsieur Goulot owned a cottage just past the third bridge in the countryside near Sainte Claire. (VOY: "The Killing Game")

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