Courage, bravery, or valor, was an emotion characterized by an individual's willingness and confidence to choose to do what they believe in. This individual will have the mental strength or moral strength to travel, endure, and resist danger, fear, and difficulty. They might become required to face situations which were painful, grievous, difficult, or dangerous. The danger might be something other than physical danger. There were many kinds of courage, including the courage to accept that there were situations which were beyond an individual's control. Valor was extraordinary courage in the face of danger, such as during a battle. The opposite of courage was cowardice. (Star Trek Generations; DS9: "Apocalypse Rising", "Nor the Battle to the Strong"; VOY: "Scorpion")
In 2254, the Talosians placed a perfect illusion into the minds of the USS Enterprise landing party when they went looking for survivors of the crashed SS Columbia. When they entered the survivors' camp, they saw Human beings who had survived with dignity and bravery. (TOS: "The Cage", "The Menagerie, Part II")
In 2256, Saru asked the computer of the USS Discovery to identify the qualities most essential to Starfleet's highly decorated starship captains. One of the characteristics listed was bravery. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain")