Real world article
(written from a production point of view)
Dawn of the Eagles is a Pocket DS9 novel – the third novel in the Star Trek: Terok Nor series, and the second of a duology – written by S.D. Perry & Britta Dennison. Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in May 2008.
The novel covers the events of the Cardassian Occupation from 2360 through 2369.
- From the book jacket
- As violence all across Bajor continues to escalate, Cardassian forces tighten their grip on the captive planet, driving back the resistance at every turn; but on Terok Nor and elsewhere, the winds of change are stirring – the beginnings of a hurricane that will alter the landscape of the Occupation. And while secret dealings, shifting alliances, and personal demons buoy the wings of revolution, a mysterious shape-shifting life form begins a journey that will decide the fate of worlds.
- Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.
Background information[]
- Memory Alpha receives an acknowledgment in this novel.
- Gul Dukat, Kotan Pa'Dar, Legate Kell, Keeve Falor and Kubus Oak are the only characters to appear in all three Terok Nor novels.
- Cover art by John Picacio, design by Alan Dingman.
The following character lists are from the novel's appendices.
- Baj – resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas's cell
- Bareil Antos – priest, a ranjen and follower of Opaka Sulan
- Basso Tromac – personal aide to Skrain Dukat
- Bek – priest, a prylar living aboard Terok Nor; liaison between the Cardassian occupation forces and the Vedek Assembly
- Bestram – resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell
- Chavin – resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell
- Darrah Bajin – son of Darrah Mace, resident of Valo II
- Darrah Cheren – wife of Darrah Mace, resident of Valo II
- Darrah Mace – resident of Valo II, formerly of Korto
- Daul Mirosha – former researcher at the Bajoran Institute of Science
- Dava – a kai who lived several hundred years before the Cardassian occupation of Bajor
- Ficen Dobat – resistance fighter on Terok Nor
- Furel – resistance fighter with the Shakaar cell.
- Gantt – resistance fighter and medic with the Shakaar cell
- Gran Tolo – resistance fighter on Terok Nor
- Jaro Essa – former militia officer, resident of Kendra Valley and undersground political activist
- Jas Holza – former minister of Bajor, resident of Valo II
- Kalem Apren – former minister of Bajor, an unofficial leader and underground political activist residing in the Kendra Valley
- Kalem Raina – second wife of Kalem Apren; her family was part of the influential Lees clan of the Kendra Valley
- Kan Nion – offical of the Cardassian-sanctioned Bajoran government
- Keeve Falor – resident of Valo II, former member of the Bajoran Chamber of Ministers
- Kira Meru – former mistress of Gul Dukat, mother of Kira Nerys
- Kira Nerys – resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell
- Kohn Biran – member and co-leader with Ma Jouvirna of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell
- Kohn Weir – member of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell, younger brother of Kohn Biran
- Kubus Oak – special liaison between Gul Dukat and the Cardassian-sanctioned Bajoran government
- Latha Mabrin – member of the Shakaar resistance cell
- Li Nalas – resistance fighter, famed for killing Gul Zarale
- Lupaza – resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell
- Ma Jourvirna – member and co-leader, along with Kohn Biran, of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell
- Marin – priest, member of the Vedek Assembly
- Mart – resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas's cell
- Mirel – resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas's cell
- Mobara – resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell
- Mora Pol – researcher at the Bajoran Institute of Science
- Opaka Fasil – resistance fighter, son of Opaka Sulan
- Opaka Sulan – kai of the Bajoran faith
- Orta – resistance fighter operating outside the B'hava'el system
- Orthew – resistance fighter, member of Li Nalas's cell
- Preta – priest, member of the Vedek Assembly
- Riszen Ketauna – artist from the town of Yarlin, friend and follower of Opaka Sulan
- Ro Laren – former resistance fighter, later Starfleet officer assigned to the USS Enterprise-D
- Shakaar Edon – resistance fighter, leader of the Shakaar cell
- Sharet Ras – senior-most member of the Vedek Assembly
- Shev – friend and follower of Opaka Sulan
- Sito Jaxa – daughter of Sito Keral
- Sito Keral – farmer, resident of Ikreimi village, cousin of Mora Pol
- Somah Trac – member of the Cardassian-sanctioned Bajoran governing cabinet
- Sorash Tem – resident of Ikreimi village
- Stassen – ranjen, daughter of Shev
- Tahna Los – member of the Kohn-Ma resistance cell
- Tel – member of Li Nalas's resistance cell
- Trentin Fala – informant to the Shakaar resistance cell
- Vaatrik Drasa – Bajoran collaborator, proprietor of the chemist's shop on Terok Nor
- Ver – resident of Ikreimi village
- Winn Adami – priest, youngest member of the Vedek Assembly
- Dost Abor – operative of the Obsidian Order, assigned to Valo IV listening post
- Astraea – traditional name of the ceremonial "guide" or religious leader for the Oralian Way
- Boheeka – military officer stationed on Terok Nor, frequent patron of Quark's
- Maran Bry – controversial Cardassian poet
- Cul – scientist replacing Dr Sree Yopal as director of the Bajoran Institute of Science
- Dalak – official of the Cardassian Information Service, superior of Natima Lang
- Corat Damar – military officer formerly attached to Terok Nor
- Darhe'el – military officer, former overseer of the Gallitep mining facility on Bajor, political rival to Gul Dukat
- Athra Dukat – wife of Skrain Dukat
- Skrain Dukat – military officer, prefect of Bajor and commander of Terok Nor
- Kutel Esad – operative of the Obsidian Order working Enabran Tain
- Elim Garak – referenced but not seen
- Tekeny Ghemor – military officer, member of Central Command and an underground political dissident
- Tera Glees – representative of the University of Culat
- Iloja – exiled Cardassian poet
- Kaer – military officer, forensics analyst stationed on Terok Nor
- Kedat – military officer, chief of engineering on Terok Nor
- Danig Kell – military officer and member of Central Command, direct superior of Skrain Dukat
- Natima Lang – correspondent for the Cardassian Information Service
- Letra – military officer stationed in security on Terok Nor
- Ran Lotor – an educator living on Cardassia Prime
- Crell Moset – civilian physician and exobiologist who worked on Bajor during the annexation
- Kotan Pa'Dar – former scientist, later exarch at the Tozhat settlement on Bajor
- Revel Panh – faculty member of the exobiology department at the University of Culat
- Kalisi Reyar – civilian scientist assigned to Bajor
- Yannik Reyar – civilian liaison between Central Command and the Obsidian Order, father of Kalisi Reyar
- Rike'la – military officer stationed on Terok Nor
- Gaten Russol – military officer stationed on Terok Nor from 2365-2366
- Yoriv Skyl – politician, adjutant to Kotan Pa'Dar, later his successor as exarch of Tozhat
- Enabran Tain – head of the Obsidian Order
- Thrax Sa'kat – chief of security on Terok Nor from 2353-2366 and member of the Oralian Way
- Trakad – military officer stationed on Terok Nor
- Seia Trant – physician stationed on Bajor
- Tuken – professor from the Cuellar region; political dissident
- Miras Vara – civilian scientist who went missing sometime after her exposure to a Bajoran Orb
- Sree Yopal – director of the Bajoran Institute of Science
- Zarale – military officer stationed on Bajor, killed by Li Nalas
- Frool – waiter in Quark's on Terok Nor
- Gaila – cousin of Quark
- Gart – DaiMon of a freight vessel
- Gera – sister of a District Sub-Nagus with whom Quark was sexually involved
- Hagath – weapons merchant, business partner of Gaila
- Ishka – mother of Quark, sometimes called "Moogie" by her sons
- Kurga – member of Gart's crew
- Morn – freighter captain, frequent customer at Quark's on Terok Nor
- Alynna Nechayev – Starfleet admiral
- Nog – son of Rom, nephew of Quark
- Odo – shape-shifting being of unknown origin, recruited by Gul Dukat to replace Thrax as Terok Nor's chief of security
- Quark – cook on Gart's freighter, later proprietor of a bar on Terok Nor
- Rom – brother of Quark, father of Nog
- Elias Vaughn – Starfleet special operative
External link[]
- Dawn of the Eagles at Memory Beta, the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
Previous novel: | Series | Next novel: |
Night of the Wolves | Star Trek: Terok Nor | Final novel in series |
Pocket DS9 | Fearful Symmetry | |
Night of the Wolves | Star Trek: The Lost Era | One Constant Star |