The Day of Honor was a Klingon holiday. On this day, a warrior evaluated his or her deeds for the past year to see whether he had been honorable. It was customary to serve Rokeg blood pie on this day.
On Qo'noS, many of the traditional ceremony rituals on the Day of Honor were observed in the Caves of Kahless. This holiday included the eating of the heart of a sanctified targ, drinking mot'lach from the Grail of Kahless, enduring the ritual of twenty painstiks, engaging in battle with a bat'leth master, and traversing the sulfur lagoons of Gorath.
In 2374, B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris designed a holo-program for the Day of Honor. However, Torres quit shortly after it began. (VOY: "Day of Honor")
In the non-canon comic book "Day of Honor", it is mentioned that on the Day of Honor a Klingon warrior must make an alliance with a hated enemy in order to defeat their common foe.