Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Hologram of a hadrosaur

Dinosaur models

Dinosaur models in Dr. Soong's laboratory

Dinosaur, time stream

A dinosaur from the resetting time stream

Toy Dinosaur

A toy dinosaur that belonged to the Troi-Riker family

Dinosaurs were a group of reptilian organisms native to Earth, first appearing around 230 million years ago. The group went almost totally extinct around 65 million years ago due to a comet impact, which allowed mammals to dominate the planet. (ENT: "Azati Prime")

After Jonathan Archer restored a damaged timeline, a carnivorous dinosaur could be seen in the time stream as the timeline realigned itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

The hadrosaur was a dinosaur that lived in Earth's Cretaceous period. It was the most highly evolved cold-blooded organism to develop from the Eryops and was believed to have vanished with the mass extinction. However, one group of hadrosaurs survived and later evolved into the Voth. (VOY: "Distant Origin", "Friendship One")

Captain Archer tauntingly compared the Xindi-Reptilians to dinosaurs in 2154, saying that many of them had rather small brains, and weren't smart enough to survive extinction. (ENT: "Azati Prime")

The New World Economy of the late 22nd century was described by Tom Paris as including money "going the way of the dinosaur", i.e. becoming extinct. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

When confused about the apparent complete disappearance of Lazarus's head wound in 2267, Doctor McCoy stated this wouldn't be possible even if Lazarus had the constitution and recuperative powers of a dinosaur. (TOS: "The Alternative Factor")

A year later, Richard Daystrom claimed duotronics was as archaic as dinosaurs compared to the M-5 multitronic unit. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

Doctor Noonien Soong kept several models of extinct dinosaurs, including a model skeleton of a Triceratops and a large Tyrannosaurus rex skull, in his laboratory on Terlina III. After he died in early 2367, Data gave the model dinosaurs to the brothers Jake and Willie Potts. (TNG: "Brothers")

The skeletons of two prehistoric animals (one definitely a dinosaur, the other most likely a ground sloth) were on display in the Voyager section of the Kyrian Museum of Heritage. A reconstruction of another extinct animal, an undetermined species of Pterosaur, was also on display (hanging from the ceiling). (VOY: "Living Witness")

In his home on Nepenthe, Thaddeus Troi-Riker kept a model of a sauropod on his desk in his room. (PIC: "Nepenthe")

Types of dinosaur[]


See also[]


The novel First Frontier has an alternate take on the dinosaurs, that Troodon was evolving into a sentient species. They were rescued from extinction by the Preservers and became a species known as Clan Ru. They attempted to alter time, using the Guardian of Forever to allow their species to remain on Earth. However, in the altered timeline, they repeatedly destroyed themselves in atomic warfare. Ultimately, Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise managed to reset the timeline and things occurred as they had before the Clan Ru's tampering.

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