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Memory Alpha
Black Knight - multicellular casting

The face of a dummy

A dummy or mannequin was a life-sized model of a Human used for various purposes.

In 2022, there were dummies used as models for clothing at a store called Roots in Toronto. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

In 2266, James T. Kirk referred to a particular puppet, which he initially believed to be Balok, as "a dummy. A puppet of some kind." (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

In 2267, Hikaru Sulu compared a Black Knight that had just slain Leonard McCoy to a dummy. (TOS: "Shore Leave")

In the final draft script of "Shore Leave", the Black Knight's face was described thus; "The smooth flawless face of a wax dummy… not a cheap one, but rather like a Mme. Tussaud's face, too good an imitation to be anything but an imitation."

In 2366, while subduing a hologram of William T. Riker, Reginald Barclay referred to the officer as "a pretty mannequin in a fancy uniform." (TNG: "Hollow Pursuits")

That same year, the male android Data was presented by Kivas Fajo to Palor Toff, who mistook him for a mannequin. (TNG: "The Most Toys")

In 2373, The Doctor referred to other holograms of famous people as "Automatons, mannequin simulacra." (VOY: "Darkling")

In 2399, Soji Asha had a dream in which she saw herself as a mannequin on a table in her father's laboratory, which, according to Narek, was a reference to her true nature: that of an artificial lifeform. (PIC: "The Impossible Box")


Background information[]

In a stage direction from the final draft script of TOS: "Miri", the interior of Biggs' toy store was said to include "some kid-sized mannequins, dressed as surfers and surferettes."

Aside from the Balok puppet, at least two mannequins appeared in Star Trek: The Original Series, with one appearing as a Psi 2000 crew woman in "The Naked Time" and as the midform during the creation of android Kirk in "What Are Little Girls Made Of?". One also appeared, made to appear like makeup artist Edward French, as the frozen Klingon prisoner in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

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