Egypt was a country in northeastern Africa on Earth, with a coastline on the Mediterranean. Among its settlements were Alexandria, Giza, and Cairo. People and things from Egypt were called Egyptian.
Egypt was one of the Earth nations visited by the alien being Kukulkan in the ancient past. The alien creature influenced Egyptian architecture and agricultural development. Kukulkan told the Egyptians to build a city with pyramids and obelisks. When the city was finished, Kukulkan was supposed to return. The Egyptians only finished parts of the city, and did not complete the energy amplification system that was intended to signal Kukulkan. (TAS: "How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth")
The Kukulkan visit was not given a specific date but the accounts would seem to suggest an era around 5000 BC to 2000 BC.
Temporal researchers observed the building of the pyramids in Egypt. This was visible on Daniels' Temporal Observatory. (ENT: "Cold Front")
Notable Egyptians included Ramses II, Ptolemy II, and Cleopatra. (TOS: "Patterns of Force", "The Conscience of the King"; VOY: "11:59")
In 2024, Egypt participated in the Europa Mission. (PIC: "Fly Me to the Moon")
After Jonathan Archer restored a damaged timeline, various people and animals near Egyptian pyramids could be seen in the time stream as the timeline realigned itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")
The Guardian of Forever could permit to travel on Egypt near the Great Pyramid. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")
Doctor Noonien Soong kept a bust and a small statue of an Egyptian pharaoh in his laboratory on Terlina III. (TNG: "Brothers")
A major feature of Egypt, the river Nile, was almost referenced as a Danube-class runabout name. However this USS Nile was ultimately cut.