Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

You may also be looking for Ekor.

Ekoor was a male Cardassian soldier of the 24th century Cardassian Union. He served during Dominion rule on the ground on Cardassia Prime.

Outraged at the recent destruction of Lakarian City, Ekoor was eager for a chance to join Legate Damar's rebellion. He and another Cardassian soldier accompanied Jem'Hadar officers to the former home of Enabran Tain, where Damar, along with Elim Garak and Kira Nerys, were being hidden by Tain's housekeeper Mila. Ekoor was unable to prevent the Jem'Hadar from killing Mila, but turned on the Jem'Hadar and killed them just as they were about to execute Damar and the others. He immediately pledged Damar his support.

Ekoor would later join the assault on Dominion Headquarters and, along with Garak and Kira, was one of only three individuals to survive the assault while achieving their objective. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Ekoor was played by Greg Ellis.

The character also appears in Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels' "Requital" story of the Tales of the Dominion War anthology.

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