The Erstwhile was an interplanetary cargo vessel owned and operated by Captain Thadiun Okona in the mid-24th century.
In 2365, the Erstwhile experienced a burnout in its guidance system while traversing between the twin planets of the Omega Sagitta system. When the ship was intercepted by the Federation starship, USS Enterprise-D, the Erstwhile was traveling at .02 c of impulse on a course of 232.2 mark 2. The crew of the Enterprise offered Okona assistance with his repairs. (TNG: "The Outrageous Okona")
In 2384, Okona took the Erstwhile to Denaxi Depot with a load of Ferengi thought makers, only to be arrested by the Xindi-Reptilian authorities for smuggling illegal contraband as soon as he landed. By that time, it had been retrofitted to be capable of speeds up to warp 4. (PRO: "Crossroads")