Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Federation Day is a day of celebration commemorating the founding of the United Federation of Planets.

According to a newspaper clipping ("It's Federation Day!") created for Star Trek Generations by Larry Nemecek but not seen onscreen, Federation Day is celebrated on October 11, 2161.

A card game called "Federation Day" poker existed in the 24th century, in which "2"s, "aces", and "6"s were wild, since the Federation was founded in 2161.

Deanna Troi suggested playing this game to the rest of the senior staff members of the Enterprise in 2368, however, Worf found it difficult to ascertain exactly what he had in his hand with so many wild cards. (TNG: "The Outcast")

In the last chapter of the novel Last Full Measure, set in 2238, Federation Day is celebrated on August 12.
At the end of the book Star Trek Star Charts, Federation Day is celebrated on May 8. Also in TNG:The Outcast
See also
It's Federation Day!