Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Federation uniforms were uniforms worn by individuals serving in an official or professional capacity within the United Federation of Planets, including those worn by civilians, and facilitated the wearers' needs as both scientists and researchers. Additionally, the term applied to Starfleet uniforms. (DS9: "Progress"; VOY: "Initiations")

23rd century[]

Scientist uniforms[]

Type A[]

Uniforms worn by Regula I personnel|the personnel assigned to space laboratory Regula I were generally white to cream-colored vest-like lab coats worn over long- or short-sleeved tunics. with one or both sleeves displaying a variety of colors, paired with matching colored slacks. Badges were worn on the right breast, with some bearing assignment patches on either shoulder. Others wore simple jumpsuits. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Uniforms based on this design were also worn by the fictional scientists at the Starfleet Temporal Laboratory in Brad Boimler's holonovel, Crisis Point II: Paradoxus. (LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")

A number of these costumes were sold as part of the It's A Wrap! sale and auction and Christie's auction. [1]

Elements of TMP uniforms were later recycled as the jumpsuits for some of the Regula I personnel. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 3, Issue 5, p. 92)

Type B[]

While aboard the USS Grissom, Doctor David Marcus wore a second type of uniform as he assisted in the study of the Genesis Planet. While visiting the planet, he wore an additional excursion jacket. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

Type C[]

Gillian Taylor, 2286

Dr. Gillian Taylor

After being assigned to a science vessel to catch up on the three hundred years of history that had passed since she had time travelled to the 23rd century, Dr. Gillian Taylor wore a white and lavender uniform with badge and insignia. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

Starship crew uniforms[]

Type A[]

The uniform of the crew of the SS Puget Sound, which was worn by children as well as adults, bore an assignment patch displaying the UFP emblem and the name of the vessel. (SNW: "Memento Mori")

Type B[]

RM Merik uniform

R.M. Merik

The uniform of the crew of the SS Beagle... (TOS: "Bread and Circuses")

24th century[]

Civilian uniforms[]

Bar staff uniforms[]

Type A[]
Ten forward waiter 5, 2369

A waiter at Ten Forward on the USS Enterprise-D in 2369

The uniform worn by the staff at Ten Forward on Galaxy-class starships... (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Type B[]
Cerritos bar staff 1

A waitress at the bar on the USS Cerritos in 2380

The uniform worn by the bar staff aboard California-class starships... (Star Trek: Lower Decks)

Child uniform[]

Rubidoux child 1

A boy aboard the USS Rubidoux in 2380

By 2380, both male and female children aboard California-class starships, such as the USS Rubidoux, wore a kind of uniform. The uniform consisted of a pale yellow shirt with a white neck area, grayish-white pants, and medium-gray knee-length boots with yellow soles and matching banding at the top. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler") Additionally, this same uniform style was worn by students in the far future. (LD: "Temporal Edict")

Engineering uniforms[]

Type A[]

Starbase Montgomery technician 2

Technician uniform

This two-layered uniform, worn by both male and female starbase technicians in 2365, consisted of a yellow sleeveless jumpsuit worn over a navy blue shirt. (TNG: "The Icarus Factor", "Samaritan Snare")

Type B[]

These uniforms were worn by engineers at both Mons Olympus Station and the Mars Orbital Facility in 2385. (ST: "Children of Mars")

Type C[]

Android workers at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards wore bright orange jumpsuits with two pockets on the sides of the legs. The sleeves of the jumpsuit were fastened around the worker's wrists with an elastic band, while an orange belt was strapped around their waist. A pair of protective gloves, which were black on the palm side and orange on the reverse side, were also worn.

Humanoid workers wore a brown hard hat, while android laborers did not. Android workers also lacked the badges present on the jumpsuits worn by organic workers. (PIC: "Maps and Legends")

Scientist uniforms[]

Type A[]

During the mid-2360s, scientists assigned to Terraform Command wore a uniform consisting of a pale teal jumpsuit with a snap-up flap, a dark green belt, and black boots. This uniform was worn by both men and women. (TNG: "Home Soil")

The same uniform was also worn by personnel assigned to the Daystrom Institute during the early 2380s. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie", "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption", "A Few Badgeys More")

Type B[]

Scientists serving at outpost stations during the 2360s wore a gray uniform with white trim. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor", "Devil's Due", "A Matter Of Time", "Time's Arrow")

This uniform was worn by Federation anthropologists working with Starfleet, including civilians, in the 2360s. (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers", "The Bonding", "Night Terrors", "Silicon Avatar", "Time's Arrow"; Star Trek Generations)

This uniform was first designed by Robert Blackman for "Who Watches The Watchers", and was identified as a "Starfleet anthropologist uniform" in Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission, p. 99.

Type C[]

During the 2380s, scientists serving at outpost stations, such as Outpost 76, wore a uniform in varying shades of green, though its physical appearance was mostly identical. It was worn by both males and females. Oddly, some outpost scientists did not believe their attire to be a uniform. (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines", "Reflections", "The Inner Fight")

Antivenom suits[]
Outpost antivenom suit

Outpost scientist issued antivenom suits

At certain outposts, antivenom suits were required. (LD: "The Inner Fight")

Starship crew uniforms[]

Type A[]


Odin captain

This uniform was worn by the crew of the Odin. (TNG: "Angel One")

Type B[]

Arcos pilot

Arcos pilot

This uniform was worn by the crew of the Arcos. (TNG: "Legacy")

Type C[]

Norkova captain

Norkova commander

This uniform was worn by the crew of the Norkova. (DS9: "The Passenger")

Type D[]

These uniforms were worn by the crew of the SS Xhosa. (DS9: "Family Business", "For the Cause")

Station security uniform[]

Starbase 25 security 6

A security officer on Starbase 25

By 2381, this uniform was worn by station security personnel aboard space stations such as Starbase 25. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Alternate universe[]

In an alternate universe where Zefram Cochrane developed a quantum reality drive rather than a warp drive, the Federation's exploratory branch did not travel through space, but through different realities. Its members wore uniforms resembling those worn by Starfleet from the 2140s to the early 2160s. However, one of the key differences between this uniform and the Starfleet uniform was that the assignment patches on the reality-traveling Federation's uniforms depicted the USS Beagle, rather than an NX-class vessel. (LD: "Fissure Quest")

Captain's variant[]

Lily Sloane (alternate)

Lily Sloane in a captain's variant uniform

This alternate uniform also had a special variant used by captains, which was a darker shade of blue, and had a metallic assignment patch and division piping. (LD: "Fissure Quest")
