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Memory Alpha



Ferengi Script

As seen in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, Ferengi writing looks much like a flowchart, with lots of 60 degree angles. Text emanates from the centre outward, which would direction of writing as well. Ferengi text can be written with or without a central hexagon or only emanating from one side of an hexagon. No translation or transliteration was provided for this chunk of writing. The flowchart fits into the business culture of the society. A pictographic analysis of information is easier to grasp at a glance than text. The Ferengi Language is very mathematically oriented.


There are 178 different Ferengi words for rain.

glebbening - an especially severe rainstorm

Ferengi Lexis

  • oo-mox - massage of the ears, a sexual practice. There is no English translation.
  • DaiMon - rank given to one in charge of a starship; roughly analagous to Federaton Captain.
  • Nagus - title of authority; esp. Grand Nagus, leader of the Ferengi Alliance.
  • There is no word for crisp, since all food gets mushy on Ferenginar.
  • Gooblatrupyob - Ferengi phrase literally meaning "Bank account without Brains", idiomatic meaning; alien, foreigner

Examples of Ferengi spoken language

(Note: the following examples are from the script for DS9: "Little Green Men")

Pip im gren tovat. Yop bree gren skin law po far.

This is all your fault. I told you to check the ship

Yop im too, yoba. Yop sko ta yop ma.

I'm sorry, brother. I did the best I could

Goss uff wok ton. Goss uff wok ton.

Let us out of here. Let us out of here

Brik yop tal hopdrew, ki los hoem bog?

If I jumped off a roof, would you do that, too?

Gren fa hoe loth pex-pil?

Haven't you got that translator fixed yet?

Gren fatarik Oo-mox?

You know how to 'oo-mox'?

Ya ta fa

???. This may be an American auctioneers phrase, possibly spoken by one of the humans present, or it could be Ferengi.

Vo yop toe pah?

Can I have that?

Yop triska gleep do-sta gren-la.

I need that metal thing you're holding


Thank you

(Note: the following examples are from the script for ENT: "Acquisition"). It is not known if these lines are in a different dialect/language used by the ferengi to the one used in DS9



Irr zoun nagool ahsp

They're not respoding to hails

Cucht eeta ekrajhn-voy?

What do [your/the] scans say?

Irr gnales, nohm setron. Quetsivoo!

They're alive, but unconscious. It worked!




Take us in

Tenda sout bazul, ningor!

It's not on this deck. Let's go!

Konah see-oh-mahj irr zoon

The fools never knew what they were hit by

Oooh, gar-dey latinum sou-tah

Oooh, this is worth its weight in latinum
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