Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A fiancée was a person to whom another person, or partner, was to be wedded at a later date. Typically, after a lengthy courtship, a Human male suitor asked a female to become his fiancée, often with an offer of a diamond engagement ring. (TOS: "Balance of Terror"; VOY: "Non Sequitur"; DS9: "Penumbra")

Frequently when they were very young, Vulcans were bonded with someone whom they might eventually have married. (TOS: "Amok Time"; ENT: "Breaking the Ice", "Home")

Anne Nored was Carter Winston's fiancée prior to his death. (TAS: "The Survivor")

Ferengi entered into a standard marriage contract in which the male "leased" the female from her father. Typically, the contract was valid for only a few years. The male had the option of extending the contract if he showed strong feelings for the female he was married to. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")

Betazoid children were sometimes bonded to the person they might marry in adulthood. (TNG: "Haven")

Bajorans were often betrothed at a young age, with the girl signifying this status with a bracelet. (DS9: "Fascination")

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