Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Argo was a Federation Argo-type shuttlecraft that was in service with Starfleet in the late 24th century, attached to the USS Enterprise-E.

The Argo was designed with recessed warp nacelles and fold-down wings. These wings were designed to assist in atmospheric maneuverability.

The shuttle was equipped with an all-terrain buggy that could transport up to three passengers over rugged terrain. The buggy was secured aboard the shuttle's cargo bay via wheel clamps. The shuttlecraft could also be remote controlled from a device on the buggy.

In 2379, on its first mission, the Argo was commanded by Captain Picard. Accompanied by Worf and Data, Picard successfully located and recovered the Soong-type android B-4 from the planet Kolarus III. (Star Trek Nemesis)


Background information[]

The shuttlecraft Argo was designed by FX artist John Eaves. Eaves classified the Argo as a heavy transport shuttle. [1]

In an early draft of the script, this shuttle was called a "transport vehicle" and was described to be "larger than a regular shuttle with a particularly large cargo area at the back."

The interior of the Argo was represented with a set on Paramount Stage 27. (Information from shooting schedule)

The Argo made an appearance in the Star Trek: Ships of the Line (2011) calendar, for the month of December. In this illustration, painted by John Eaves, the Argo was on a landing vector for the main shuttlebay of the Enterprise-E.

Star Trek Official Starships Collection Shuttle Issue 09

Shuttle issue #09

According to Shuttlecraft issue #09 of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, the Argo (cargo shuttle 5) was a Type 17 heavy transport, or cargo, shuttle. Equipped with a 2.250 millicochrane engine, this type of ship had a cruising speed of warp 1.65.

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