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Forums ForumsTen Forward → DrexFiles blog taken down (replywatch)
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Breaking news: Doug Drexler's unsurpassed DrexFiles blog has been taken down due to perceived copyright "infringements". [1] This constitutes a disaster for Star Trek researchers like myself and many others over here at MA, as well as for fans in general. the DrexFiles was by far the most informative and elaborate internet source for behind-the-scenes information on anything pertaining Trek, most of which not available in print. It serves as a painful reminder how stifling copyright issues have become in the last decade, and in my humble opinion are more and more becoming an impediment to the dissemination of information, counterproductive to most democracy's constitutions. On a practical note, this will also entail a bucket load of work over here at MA in changing links, as there are literally hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands, links since the Files were one of the most cited BG-info sources. I think I'm not alone when I state that I'm truly bummed, to put it mildly.--Sennim (talk) 14:46, April 12, 2013 (UTC)

There are 461 links to DrexFiles on MA, to be exact. :) -- Renegade54 (talk) 16:40, April 12, 2013 (UTC)

I stand corrected, hundreds upon hundreds it is. :) :)--Sennim (talk) 16:46, April 12, 2013 (UTC)

Bot time. Put a request on the request page listing the links to look for, and that can be done. -- sulfur (talk) 17:04, April 12, 2013 (UTC)
As I state at the request page, this might be a good time to template our {{DrexFiles}} links so these can be updated quickly if the site comes back. - Archduk3 21:05, April 13, 2013 (UTC)