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This is a break down of the topic Forum:Exploratory Data Analysis.

This entry has the exploratory data analysis scripts coded in R (programming language).

Note: The regular expression looks for "{ {sidebar" up to "\n}}". If the link end is only "}}" then it would get either until the whole end of the text, or cut short by some links inside the sidebar itself. The consequence is that sidebar templates that do NOT use the indicated formatting and do NOT end with a closing line with the "}}", will be missed.


Data source as of 2015-11-16, dowloaded with from


This script loads the .xml file and goes over all the pages looking for a "sidebar" string. If found it check all the tags for a particular type of sidebar, and counts the occurrences of each type as well. There are some statements that filter the scope, as that is my personal focus.

# 10-check-tag-variables.R
# 2015.11.16

# dump file from 2015.11.16
stxml  <- xmlParse("./memory_alphawikiacom-20151116-current.xml")
xmltop <- xmlRoot(stxml) # content of root

sidebar_tags  <- list()
sidebar_count <- list()
n             <- xmlSize(xmltop) # number of nodes
# for all pages (all nodes skipping the first one)
for (i in 2:n) {
  # get the text in the revision in the page
  text <- xmlValue(xmltop[[i]][["revision"]][["text"]])
  # get the namespace
  ns <- xmlValue(xmltop[[i]][["ns"]])
  # filter a sidebar
  sidebar <- stri_match_all_regex(text,
                                  pattern    = "\\{\\{[Ss]idebar\\s*(.*?)\\n\\}\\}",
                                  opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE))[[1]][, 2]
  # if found a sidebar in the main namespace
  if (![1]) & ns == "0") {
    # remove the \n
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "\\n", "", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    # remove links and templates marks
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "[\\[\\]]", "", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "\\{\\{(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\}\\}", "$2", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "\\{\\{(.*?)\\}\\}", "$1", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    # remove html comments
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "<br\\s*/?>", ";",
                                      opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(case_insensitive = TRUE),
                                      vectorize_all = FALSE)
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "<.*?>", "", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    # split the type of sidebar and the tags
    tmp <- stri_match_all_regex(sidebar,
                                pattern    = "([\\w/]*)\\|(.*)",
                                opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE))[[1]]
    # collect the sidebar type
    sidebar_type <- tolower(tmp[1, 2])
    if (sidebar_type %in% c("individual", "planet", "species", "starship")) {
      # collect the remaining text
      tmp <- tmp[1, 3]
      # split fields
      tmp <- stri_split_fixed(tmp,
                              pattern    = "|",
                              opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE))[[1]]
      # remove empty fields
      tmp <- tmp[tmp != ""]
      # remove leading and trailing spaces
      tmp <- stri_trim(tmp)
      # split the tags and their values
      tmp <-,stri_match_all_regex(tmp, pattern = "(.*?)\\s*=\\s*(.*)"))
      # collect the tags
      tags <- tmp[, 2]
      # collect the tags' values
      # values <- stri_replace_all_regex(tmp[, 3], "(\"|'')", "")
      # accumulate the tags for a type of sidebar
      sidebar_tags[[sidebar_type]] <- unique(c(sidebar_tags[[sidebar_type]], tags))
    if (is.null(sidebar_count[[sidebar_type]])) {
      sidebar_count[[sidebar_type]] <- 1
    } else {
      sidebar_count[[sidebar_type]] <- sidebar_count[[sidebar_type]] + 1
  if (i %% 5000 == 0) {
    print(sprintf("%d / %d", i, n))
print(sprintf("%d / %d", i, n))
print(lapply(sidebar_tags, sort))
cat("{| class=\"grey\"")
cat("|+ Statistics for the sidebar counts")
cat("! Variable")
cat("! Count")
for (tag in sort(names(sidebar_count))) {
  cat("|-", sep = "\n")
  cat(paste0("| ", tag), sep = "\n")
  cat(paste0("| ", sidebar_count[[tag]]), sep = "\n")


 [1] "Affiliation"       "Class"             "datestatus"        "imageOrbital"     
 [5] "imageSurface"      "is-format"         "Location"          "Name"             
 [9] "Native Species"    "OrbitalCap"        "Rotational Period" "Satellites"       
[13] "Status"            "SurfaceCap"        "System"            "Type"             

 [1] "actor"          "affiliation"    "blood type"     "born"           "captains_woman"
 [6] "children"       "datestatus"     "died"           "father"         "gender"        
[11] "height"         "image"          "image2"         "image3"         "imagecap"      
[16] "imagecap2"      "imagecap3"      "marital_status" "mother"         "occupation"    
[21] "owner"          "rank"           "relative"       "serial number"  "sibling"       
[26] "species"        "spouse"         "status"         "weight"        

 [1] "Affiliation" "Class"       "Datestatus"  "dt"          "image"       "image2"     
 [7] "imagecap"    "imagecap2"   "Launched"    "Logo"        "Name"        "operator"   
[13] "owner"       "Registry"    "Status"     

 [1] "date"      "image"     "image2"    "image3"    "imagealt"  "imagealt2" "imagecap" 
 [8] "imagecap2" "imagecap3" "logo"      "logoalt"   "name"      "planet"    "planet2"  
[15] "pop"       "quadrant"  "quadrant2" "type"     
Statistics for the sidebar counts on the main namespace
Variable Count
actor 722
audio 18
book 370
calendar 121
cards 88
cd 9
class 262
comic 869
conflict 51
crew 313
element 129
episode 716
fictional 16
film 13
government 23
hologram 57
individual 1608
magazine 413
novel 830
planet 382
rank 22
series 203
soundtrack 56
species 152
starship 684
station 43
strip 68
video 355
videogame 90
xindi 1
year 137


# 20-extract-sidebars.R
# 2015.11.16
# dump file from 2015.11.16
stxml  <- xmlParse("./memory_alphawikiacom-20151116-current.xml")
xmltop <- xmlRoot(stxml) # content of root

individual <- list()
planet     <- list()
species    <- list()
starship   <- list()
n          <- xmlSize(xmltop)
for (i in 2:n) {
  # get the text in the revision in the page
  title <- xmlValue(xmltop[[i]][["title"]])
  text  <- xmlValue(xmltop[[i]][["revision"]][["text"]])
  # get the namespace
  ns    <- xmlValue(xmltop[[i]][["ns"]])
  # filter a sidebar
  sidebar <- stri_match_all_regex(text,
                                  pattern    = "\\{\\{[Ss]idebar\\s*(.*?)\\n\\}\\}",
                                  opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE))[[1]][, 2]
  # if found a sidebar in the main namespace
  if (![1]) & ns == "0") {
    # remove the \n
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "\\n", "", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    # remove links and templates
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "[\\[\\]]", "", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "\\{\\{(.*?)\\|(.*?)\\}\\}", "$2", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "\\{\\{(.*?)\\}\\}", "$1", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    # remove html comments
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "<br\\s*/?>", ";",
                                      opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(case_insensitive = TRUE),
                                      vectorize_all = FALSE)
    sidebar <- stri_replace_all_regex(sidebar, "<.*?>", "", vectorize_all = FALSE)
    # split the type of sidebar and the tags
    tmp <- stri_match_all_regex(sidebar, pattern    = "(\\w*)\\|(.*)",
                                opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE))[[1]]
    # collect the sidebar type
    sidebar_type <- tolower(tmp[1, 2])
    if (sidebar_type %in% c("individual", "planet", "species", "starship")) {
      # collect the remaining text
      tmp <- tmp[1, 3]
      # split fields
      tmp <- stri_split_fixed(tmp, pattern    = "|",
                              opts_regex = stri_opts_regex(dotall = TRUE))[[1]]
      # remove empty fields
      tmp <- tmp[tmp != ""]
      # remove leading and trailing spaces
      tmp <- stri_trim(tmp)
      # split the tags and their values
      tmp <-,stri_match_all_regex(tmp, pattern    = "(.*?)\\s*=\\s*(.*)"))
      # collect the tags
      tags <- tmp[, 2]
      # collect the tags' values
      values <- stri_replace_all_regex(tmp[, 3], "(\"|'')", "")

      if (sidebar_type == "individual") {
        individual[["Title"]] <- c(individual[["Title"]], title)
        for (tag in sort(sidebar_tags[[sidebar_type]])) {
          individual[[tag]] <- c(individual[[tag]], ifelse(length(values[which(tags == tag)]) == 0, NA,values[which(tags == tag)]))
      if (sidebar_type == "planet") {
        planet[["Title"]] <- c(planet[["Title"]], title)
        for (tag in sort(sidebar_tags[[sidebar_type]])) {
          planet[[tag]] <- c(planet[[tag]], ifelse(length(values[which(tags == tag)]) == 0, NA,values[which(tags == tag)]))
      if (sidebar_type == "species") {
        species[["Title"]] <- c(species[["Title"]], title)
        for (tag in sort(sidebar_tags[[sidebar_type]])) {
          species[[tag]] <- c(species[[tag]], ifelse(length(values[which(tags == tag)]) == 0, NA,values[which(tags == tag)]))
      if (sidebar_type == "starship") {
        starship[["Title"]] <- c(starship[["Title"]], title)
        for (tag in sort(sidebar_tags[[sidebar_type]])) {
          starship[[tag]] <- c(starship[[tag]], ifelse(length(values[which(tags == tag)]) == 0, NA,values[which(tags == tag)]))
  if (i %% 5000 == 0) {
    print(sprintf("%d / %d", i, n))
print(sprintf("%d / %d", i, n))
individual <- data.frame(individual, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
individual <- individual[!grepl("(Template:|Talk:|User:)", individual$Title), ]
write.csv(file = "individual.csv", x = individual, quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

planet <- data.frame(planet, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
planet <- planet[!grepl("(Template:|Talk:)", planet$Title), ]
write.csv(file = "planet.csv", x = planet, quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

species <- data.frame(species, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
species <- species[!grepl("(Template:|Talk:)", species$Title), ]
write.csv(file = "species.csv", x = species, quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)

starship <- data.frame(starship, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
starship <- starship[!grepl("(Template:|Talk:)", starship$Title), ]
write.csv(file = "starship.csv", x = starship, quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)




Updated with data from a database dump taken on the 2015.09.30, -- DataScientist (talk) 03:13, October 2, 2015 (UTC)

Note that a couple of small changes can be made to improve the scripts a bit:
  • The sidebar pattern can be simplified to: "\\{\\{[Ss]idebar\\s*(.*?)\\n\\}\\}"
This can be done because (other than the first letter), template calls are case sensititve.
  • The pattern for matching the type of sidebar can also be simplified, as some have multiple words (ie "comic series" vs "novel series"). This can be done from "([\\w/]*)\\|(.*)" to "(.*?)\\|(.*)".
I don't see an easy (read simple) way to do a clever loop and create a CSV file for each specific sidebar type that's been found. If that could be done, then I think that'd be a huge win in order to do a lot of data cleanup on the system.
Btw, note that "sidebar gallery" was renamed to "sidebar species xindi" between the data dumps, as that single species has some other requirements that other species do not have. -- sulfur (talk) 14:15, October 2, 2015 (UTC)