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Forums ForumsTen Forward → Google bar in the middle of article text (replywatch)
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Snap 2016.03.21 14.27.42 001

Sennim reported this oddity this morning:

I'm starting to increasingly see Google scroll bars directly under the TOC within the main texts...Is it just me, in other words is it just a question of settings, or is this imposed? Now I do not mind having these on the side, buy it just looks plain awful within the main body of text...---Sennim (talk) 13:02, March 21, 2016 (UTC)

I'm investigating and will update when I hear back. -- sulfur (talk) 13:52, March 21, 2016 (UTC)

To followup:

This is some A/B testing at the moment (so apparently the numbers actually seeing it are fairly low, maybe 2-3% of viewers). The idea is to have it populated with "local articles" (ie, MA articles) to further engage with the content.

I've shared my concerns with it being located mid-text, and strongly suggested moving it to the right rail (for example), so if you see it in the body, don't click it (or click the 'x'), but click it to view stuff in the right rail. ;) -- sulfur (talk) 18:41, March 21, 2016 (UTC)

So I've hit the jackpot so to speak..Why do I never get these odds in the lotto, I wonder :-) ? Anyways, they're gone now from my screen...thanks for following up on this...--Sennim (talk) 07:36, March 22, 2016 (UTC)