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Forums ForumsReference Desk → Jay Chattaway OST Stabs (replywatch)
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Jay Chattaway seems to have a fondness for the stabs they use in "Call To Arms" (DS9 - Season 5, Episode 26 // Deep Space Nine Collection - Disc 2, Track 13) as they also use them in "One" (Voyager - Season 4, Episode 25) at ~41:30.

Does anyone know of other episodes of the shows they are used in? Movies maybe? Or specific tracks from the soundtracks? The name of the track from "One" at the time index I mention would also be greatly appreciated anyone knows it!

listen to the stabs here:

Call to Arms: 2:42 3:41 5:22 6:16 6:39 7:15

One: Sample of ~41:30

-- Jorubyp 11:46, October 15, 2015 (UTC)

Found some more! In "Equinox, Part II" (Voyager - Season 6, Episode 1) at ~28:50.

listen: here

-- Jorubyp (talk) 13:53, October 20, 2015 (UTC)
