Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Forums ForumsTen Forward → Question from german MA about Common-pictures (replywatch)

Firstly i want to say sorry for my bad english which will follow :).

I dont know, if you recognized, that there is a possibility for other languages to share pictures from your MA. The german MA uses some of your pictures. But we have discussed a possibiliy to use 3:4 format pictures for persons an 4:3 format cut aways from screencaps as a kind of "standard". So if we use your big picture-pool, we have to use your formats. So my question is, if there is a problem to you, if we upload pictures of persons in a 3:4-Format and maybe some cut-aways of screencaps in 4:3.

An example from Shisma: Image:Zar, Live fast and prosper.jpg

But under the following rules:

  • We guarantee that there will be no loose in quality and in content.

We will just do it for those pictures, we use by us.

If you cant understand anything, i can explain it of course again. I will watch this topic often :) -- Roggan - talk 13:08 15.06.2007

No answers? So I guess that you dont have any problems with it, right? -- Roggan - talk 13:05 16.06.2007
