Gambling was a game of chance and form of recreation that involved betting with currency such as tokens (or chips), money, or latinum, on the outcome of betting games or betting pools. Casinos were popular venues for gambling. Those who gamble were known as gamblers.
In 2370, Prylar Rhit, a Bajoran vedek, had run up a sizable gambling debt playing dabo, something that caused quite a scandal in the Vedek Assembly. (DS9: "Shadowplay")
In 2371, Doctor Bashir ordered Major Kira to relax during a particularly stressful period. With the assistance of Quark, Bashir prescribed several means of relaxation, which included a small stack of gambling tokens to use for gambling. (DS9: "Defiant")
The same year, Quark discovered that the House of Kozak had incurred several large gambling debts. (DS9: "The House of Quark")
An illusion of Quark claimed that some species were particularly susceptible to gambling due to the possession of a gambling gene. (DS9: "The Search, Part II")
Interstellar legal status
The Bajoran Provisional Government legalized gambling within Bajoran territory, which included Deep Space 9 and its bar Quark's. Nonetheless, Bajoran law had restrictions against cruelty to animals, and thus Quark's repeated attempts to stage gambling on live Vole fights were still considered illegal on DS9. (DS9: "Through the Looking Glass", "Destiny")
When, aboard the USS Voyager, Lieutenant Tom Paris created the short-lived Paris Radiogenic Sweepstakes, a lottery whose winner was the one to correctly guess the radiogenic particle count the next day, Commander Chakotay shut it down. (VOY: "Meld")
Gambling was legal in the Cardassian Union, as Quark was operating casino games in his bar during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. Gambling was also shown to be legal in the Ferengi Alliance and regulated by the Ferengi Gaming Commission. The Ferengi also operated casino ships.
Betting games
- Human
- Other