Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Gaspar VII was the inhabited seventh planet of its star system, in the Alpha Quadrant.

This was the planet of origin for Starfleet officer Edwell. According to Commander Hutchinson, Captain Edwell didn't look like other people from Gaspar VII. (TNG: "Starship Mine")

In 2374, the location of Gaspar VII was labeled on a tactical map that was on display in the wardroom of Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets", okudagram)

This planet's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of the Cardassian Union in the star chart appearing in the Star Trek: Picard episode "Maps and Legends".

According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets I"), in 2378, Gaspar VII was listed as a Federation member.

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