Captain Gregory "Greg" Jein was a Starfleet officer in the 24th century.
Jein was one of the yard engineers at the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards in 2363, whose name later appeared on the 2368 updated dedication plaque for the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar", dedication plaque)
In the 2370s, he was listed as a member of the Tactical Operations team on the dedication plaque of several Federation starships, including the USS Defiant at Antares Ship Yards in 2370, the USS Voyager at Earth Station McKinley in 2371, and the USS Sao Paulo at Utopia Planitia Ship Yards in 2375. (DS9: "The Search, Part I", dedication plaque; VOY: "Caretaker", dedication plaque; DS9: "The Dogs of War", dedication plaque)
This character was only mentioned in writing.
He was named after production staff associate Gregory Jein.