"Happy Birthday to You" was an Earth song that was typically sung at birthday parties.
In a coma he experienced after being attacked by a Lethean, Julian Bashir was treated to a performance of the song by a representation of Elim Garak (the form taken by the Lethean, Altovar) and a dabo girl in 2371. (DS9: "Distant Voices")
In 2378, Seven of Nine gave Harry Kim an isolinear chip that would give him three minutes of comm time, admonishing him to "try to stay in tune" when singing happy birthday to his mother. (VOY: "Author, Author")
- Happy birthday to you,
- happy birthday to you
- Happy birthday dear (insert name here - in this case "Julian")
- Happy birthday to you.
This is actually one of relatively few times that the song made it into a TV show, as it was not in the public domain until 2016, and due to its licensing costs, other songs were usually substituted, such as "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" in TNG: "Parallels".