For the work break, please see vacation.
A holiday was a day (or date) that commemorated a religious event or occasion of a historical occurrence. In many cases, they were commemorated with a festival.
As part of his role as USS Voyager's morale officer, Neelix made a point of studying up on Vulcan holidays. He explained this to Tuvok in 2372 after declaring all Vulcan holidays to be the same. (VOY: "Meld")
Later that year, Seska chided Michael Jonas for his incompetence in performing their treasonous activities, asking him if he thought their continued communications were for the purpose of exchanging holiday greetings. (VOY: "Investigations")
By planet[]
- Bajoran Time of Cleansing
- Gratitude Festival (Peldor Festival)
- Ha'mara
- Ancestors' Eve
- April Fools' Day
- Christmas
- First Contact Day
- Federation Day
- Halloween
- Hindu Festival of Lights
- Mazurka Festival
- New Year's Day
- Sadie Hawkins Dance
- Saint Patrick's Day
- Thanksgiving
Festival of T'Plana-Hath was also mentioned in the first draft script of ENT: "Fusion".
- Batarael (Haliian homeworld)
- Captain Picard Day (USS Enterprise-D)
- Captain Picard Day (USS Enterprise-D)
- Commander Riker Day (USS Enterprise-D)
- Festival (Beta III)
- First meal (Meridian)
- Lohlunat (Risa)
- Mother's Day (Lissepia)
- Prixin (Talax)
- Ktarian music festival
Personal holidays[]
- Anniversary
- Birthday
- I'm Married to the Most Wonderful Woman in the Galaxy Day (according to Miles O'Brien)
- Naming Day (Ferenginar)