A holographic simulation room was any type of room that utilized holotechnology of some kind and which was used for running holographic programs.
This sort of technology was common on starships at least as early as the 2250s. For example, hologram battle simulations were used for combat training on the USS Discovery. Captain Gabriel Lorca and Lieutenant Ash Tyler used this simulation in 2256.
The USS Enterprise also had a holographic simulation room that was used as a rec room. In 2270, Doctor Leonard McCoy, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, and Nyota Uhura were using this room when the ship had a computer malfunction that caused the Enterprise to play practical jokes on the crew. Because of this, their peaceful surroundings turned into a cold, blizzard-like environment. (TAS: "The Practical Joker")
By the 24th century, holodecks and holosuites were among the newest and most common types of holographic simulation rooms in the United Federation of Planets. In 2383, when Hologram Janeway was describing what a holodeck was to Dal R'El, she told him it was a type of holographic simulation room. (PRO: "Kobayashi")