Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mirror universe

List of ISS Shenzhou personnel.

This article is a stub about a character. You can help Memory Alpha by fixing it.


Unnamed []

Bridge officer []

ISS Shenzhou bridge officer

This officer worked on the bridge. She was present when the ISS Charon arrived to meet the Shenzhou. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")

Played by Jenny Itwaru.

Officers []

(DIS: "Despite Yourself")

Security officers []

Two security officers were summoned to Michael Burnham's quarters to escort Ash Tyler out. However, Tyler attacked them, and a brawl broke out. (DIS: "The Wolf Inside")

Transporter chief []

ISS Shenzhou transporter chief

This crewman operated the transporter. (DIS: "Despite Yourself", "The Wolf Inside")

Played by Demi Oliver.
