Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"I yield. I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do is kill him, and that no longer holds my interest."
Ikat'ika, 2373 ("By Inferno's Light")

Ikat'ika was the Jem'Hadar First of Dominion Internment Camp 371, serving under the Vorta Deyos. Ikat'ika oversaw the personal combat between the Jem'Hadar soldiers and the prisoners, held to educate Dominion troops on their enemies' tactics. He was responsible for injuring General Martok's eye in one of these fights.

In 2373, Ikat'ika fought Lieutenant Commander Worf when he was held at the camp. Worf, already badly injured by the previous seven fights, was losing but refused to yield the match, gaining Ikat'ika's respect, and demonstrating that Jem'Hadar had a form of honor. Ikat'ika himself yielded the match, stating that he could not defeat his opponent but merely kill him, which "no longer [held his] interest". Deyos had Ikat'ika executed for refusing to kill Worf along with Worf, but the Klingon was beamed away at the last moment. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light")

Ikat'ika was played by James Horan. He was the only Jem'Hadar character to have a recurring role.

The script for "In Purgatory's Shadow" identifies him as "an imposing Jem'Hadar soldier. He's been around long enough to be consider an Honored Elder, which means he's got eighteen years of military experience, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week." [1]

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