Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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An inquisition was a special type of trial. They were often motivated by religion and known for hard examinations. One such each Earth inquisition was the Spanish Inquisition. Another inquisition was the Numerian Inquisition. On Sarpeidon, the Inquisitional Tribunal held authority to charge persons with such crimes as witchcraft.

Galileo Galilei was put on trial during the Inquisition for saying that the Earth revolved around the Sun. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")

In 2366, Doctor Barron feared that the Mintakans' renewed interest in the Overseer, spurred by Jean-Luc Picard's interference, would lead the Mintakans into inquisitions and holy wars. He suggested that Picard could guide them by going along with their belief that he was the Overseer and giving them instruction, something Picard refused to do, as he felt that would be leading them backwards. (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers")

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