Memory Alpha

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Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

An internal sensor log was a log which recorded the information collected by a vessel or station's internal sensors.

In 2371, Jadzia Dax went over the internal sensor logs of Deep Space 9 after Miles O'Brien experienced a vision of himself from the past watching Quark complain about Klingons destroying two holosuites in his bar. She found evidence of a minor temporal disturbance at Quark's and another one later on the Promenade, both of which happened around the time as O'Brien's experiences. (DS9: "Visionary")

In 2374, after Kes's psychokinetic powers began manifesting at a rapid-rate aboard the USS Voyager, Lieutenant Tuvok told Captain Kathryn Janeway that the internal sensor logs revealed that she had destabilized a Jefferies tube at the molecular level and that it had weakened the infrastructure throughout the deck. (VOY: "The Gift")

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